Star Wars #1

You all know what a Star Wars geek I am. So when I was invited to contribute to the Comic Bricks art show at DesignerCon 2014 there wasn't a any question what comic I'd use. It was instantaneous and unwavering, Star Wars #1. This was my favorite comic as a kid, I literally wore it out thumbing through it continually until it finally fell apart. Now I have it again in brick form (that is unless someone buys it this weekend)

Star Wars #1

UPDATE: Somebody bought it, I have mixed feeling about it. Always great to get affirmation, and someone purchasing your art is high praise indeed, but I didn't get a chance to get sick of looking at it. I never even got a chance to show it to my wife in person, she only saw pics. The good news is if I really miss it, I can build another (just as soon as I restock 1x1 orange plate!)

DesignerCon Is This Weekend!

I'm looking forward to attending DesignerCon 2014 this weekend. I'll be displaying some MOCs and my contribution to the ComicBricks art show (if I can get it finished!). If you've never been to DesignerCon I strongly encourage you to come check out all the designer toys, art, apparel and loads of other way cool stuff.

I'm also super excited to be showing an exclusive preview of my new animated film, Batman Vs Superman. See it at the show before you can download it! The sets from the film will also be on display. I'll have some stickers and if you're  really nice a handful of Nerdly printed bricks. Come down to the Pasadena Convention Center this weekend and I'll see you there!


I'd also like to send a HUGE shoutout to fabulous Paul Lee for doing the artwork for the poster, it's phenomenal!

Nobleman's Manor

If you're a castle fan, this is pretty much the best time of year. When CCC hits suddenly the floodgates open on castle MOCs of shapes and sizes. I for one get a kick out of the medium sized castles like this one from Dubbadgrim. Large enough to have impressive scale and diversity, small enough that you can see all the details. I especially like the different styles of the various sections of this luxurious manor.

CCCXII - Nobleman's Manor
Nobleman's Manor - Back

The Eagle

When I was a kid my neighbor had the coolest Eagle toy, the cockpit and engine pod could be removed and connected to make a cool "mini Eagle" we called it. We also took great delight in attaching a parachute to the back and hurling it off the cliff in my back yard. Despite this wanton vandalism, we were fans of the craft and the show, so it gives me warm fuzzes to see it still. This version by V00D00M is fuzzyriffic.

Eagle from Cosmos 1999

Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Orion Pax is back with one of my all time favorite movie cars, the '89 Batmobile. I consider myself lucky, when Batman came out back then I was super busy at work, so it was a couple weeks before I could see it. In that time all my friends were bashing on it so I went in with really low expectations. I loved it! And I loved this car, and I'm happy to say this version does it justice. Check out the full gallery here.

89 Batmobile LED scale


Normally Bionicle MOCs don't do much for me, nothing against Bionicle, it's just not my thing. But when you add a good mix of System elements, a dose of clever building and a pinch of panache, you get something special. This is Sayomi by Thirdeye88. I'll let you click through for the full description of her, but I will give you this little nugget: "Brain Bug Boobs".

Welcome To Nerdvember!

Welcome to Nerdvember, our new favorite month! Yes, Halloween is over and the holidays are weeks away, it's too early to think about Thanksgiving so it's time to get your nerd on! Get out the bricks, download instructions for Nerdly and start reimagining. What would he be like in classic castle? How about as a pirate? Could he possibly be a time lord? It's all up to you! Read the Official Rules, join the Flickr group and get building!

Three winners will win fabulous prize packages including BrickNerd swag and bitchin' stuff from our awesome sponsors.

Scarecrow & Batman

On Halloween we all face our fears, even Batman. Of all the evil villains of Gotham, Scarecrow has to be one of the scariest. Let's face it, Penguin isn't scary, and Poison Ivy is just, well, you know. But Scarecrow...*shudder*. This version by vitreolum strikes all the right notes. And just check out his awesome Batman, it's a one-two character punch!

Welcome to my world, Batman!

Update: Through the magic of photoshop here's Batman in black, I dig it!

Batman - Black Edition

HE-98 Halberd

Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane...actually it is a plane. It's another stunning fantasy aircraft from Jon Hall. This one is particularly awesome since it's asymmetrical and totally reminds me of the B-Wing from Star Wars. Like all of his planes this one sports excellent design, amazing color work and custom decals, plus this one sports working flaps. And as always a pilot ready for action.

He-98 Halberd
He-98 Halberd
He-98 Halberd

Holy Amazing Reproductions Batman!

This here is a trifecta of total awesome. Builder and illustrator polywen has assembled a side by side by side of his reproductions of classic issue #27 of Detective Comics, the premier of Batman. In the middle is his inspiration, the original cover from 1939. On the right is his excellent LEGO minifig illustration. And on the left is his mind-blowing MOC for the Comic Bricks art show for DesignerCon 2014.
