Bad Robot

If someone told me you could convey the logo for JJ Abrams' production company Bad Robot in around 22 parts I would have been skeptical. Yet here it is courtesy of builder Takamichi Irie. I love it when so few parts can come together to create something instantly recognizable, very clever. I've been wondering how this and the Disney logo will factor in to the classic Star Wars film opening, I guess we'll find out in just over a month (!!!)


Jurassic Park III

You just have to wonder about theme park operators and giant, dangerous, prehistoric beasts. Haven't those guys seen those other two movies? Anyway, feast your eyes on this truly epic MOC by markus19840420, it's part of a collaboration with Disco86 and absolutely jaw dropping. Normally I would wait until everything was posted and then feature, but I was so blown away by this I had to share. Stay tuned for the whole collaboration coming soon.

Feeling The Pressure

The latest Iron Builder rages on, and if history is any indication, both builders should be equipped with one of these little babies by cmaddison, because the pressure is 'building' (see what I did there?) I've personally never competed, and I don't think I ever will. Because I'd be redlining from the start and probably blow a gasket by week two . 

Pressure Gauge

Review - Small Scenes From A Big Galaxy

Review - Small Scenes From A Big Galaxy

I get a kick out of all LEGO inspired books. It's a product and company I love. I also find just about anything Star Wars endearing (except maybe those stupid coffee creamers, what the heck?) So when you combine the two, you have my attention. Now add in the fact that this is the product of the imagination and creativity of an AFOL and fan, well this is a perfect storm of LEGO, Star Wars, imagination, creativity, photography and fandom, I'm smitten.

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A cooling of the air, a wisp of wind from the north, warm colors on the trees and pumpkin spice at Starbucks, must be fall. Builder Pate-keetongu is celebrating the seasons in a series of builds, this one is fall, and she's a beauty. The blend of Bionicle and System parts here is flawless, the color use is perfect and the sculpting is divine, what a lovely season this is.


Life-Size BB-8

Star Wars The Force Awakens is still over a month away (I can hardly take it!) but there's no shortage of EP7 inspired MOCs these days. I think it's awesome we have another three movies coming to excite and inspire builders, we're going to see some awesome stuff in the coming months and years. Like this mind-blowing life-size BB-8 by mdoupe! This little droid has certainly caught the imagination of the world, and we haven't even seen the movie yet.


NERDvember update

NERDvember is well on it's way, and the competition is heating up. The group is almost 50 members strong and there's been some brilliant submissions so far.

I thought I'd take some time to highlight some of the sponsors and tell you about some of the amazing prizes that are being offered this year. First off is The LEGO Group, who generously donated a First Order Snowspeeder, Rey's Speeder and Darth Vader! In addition to those FBTB is donating some polybags as well, so there's going to be plenty of LEGO in the prize packages.

No Starch Press is donating three books to lucky winners, one for each prize pack. They are Beautiful LEGO Wild, LEGO Scale Modeling and Medieval LEGO.

This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, stay tuned as we reveal more prizes in the coming days, and if you haven't already started building, you better break out the bricks!

Red Rocket Station

The anticipation for Fallout 4 is hitting fever pitch, and the MOCs inspired by it are already making their way online. This one by builder 'rolli almost slipped by it's so good. I genuinely skimmed right past it at first thinking it was just concept art, it was only the top of the rocket that caught my eye at the last microsecond. Wow, what a build and what a shot, perfect!

Fallout 4: Red Rocket Gas Station

Holy Micro Builds Batman!

I've spent SO much time over the last couple years engrossed in the world of Gotham and Batman, so much so I'm frankly a bit burned out. But this wonderful microscale Batman set got me instantly excited, so there's still some hope for me. I LOVE this, all the tiny details, all the figures, all the vehicles and play features, it's awesome. I generally try to avoid posting LEGO Ideas stuff, but I would love to see this actually made. Head over to LEGO Ideas to support.

The Batcave
Mini Battle for the Batcave

Once Upon A Time

Leave it to builder vitreolum to not only bring these classic fairytale princesses to life in brick, but to make them Whether it's Snow White being tempted with a poison apple, Red Riding Hood getting creeped on by Big Bad Wolf or Repunzel getting all wrapped up with hair (and nothing else), all of these MOCs are gorgeous.

Once Upon a Time I - White
Once Upon a Time II - Red
Once Upon a Time III - Gold

Pimp Rey's Speeder!

Those outstanding humans at The Brothers Brick have a new contest going challenging you to pimp Rey's speeder, and they're giving away some really cool stuff. What better way to celebrate the awakening of the force? Head over to the official Flickr group for all the rules and details and get building!

Oh, and I couldn't help myself, Nerdly needed to get in on that action. And it serves double duty as a completely disqualified entry to NERDvember!

Nerdly Speeder

A LEGO Brickumentary Is Out On Home Video!

A LEGO Brickumentary is finally out on home video! As many of you know, BrickNerd Studios produced over 8 minutes of original animation for this film, and it was a fantastic opportunity. If you love the brick (you must, you're ready my mostly terrible blog) you'll love this heart warming and informative documentary about how LEGO touches the lives of so many around the world.

Epic Fallout 4 Diorama

Feast your eyes on this (and I hope they're hungry, it might take a while). Builder Pierre Import / T1MEK0DE has put together a truly colossal and stunning interior inspired by Fallout, and you're going to love it. Even if you haven't played the game (guilty) there's so much to like here it's worth the time to check out all the pictures. And if you're having a hard time judging the scale, find the minifigure hiding in there.

entire set
Nuka cola and the radio