Me 109

The messershmidt Bf-109 is as iconic a WWII aircraft as you can get. I don't want to glorify war, but that was a golden age of aviation, and both the axis and the allies both stepped up with some major innovation. This version, and updated model by Daniel Siskind, can actually be yours in the near future from Brickmania.

Messerschmitt Bf-109
Messerschmitt Bf-109

Best Idea Ever

What better way to spice up a summer gathering than severe food trauma? Yes, it's Jarts, or lawn darts! Oversized, weighted lawn missiles with sharpened steel tips, what could possibly go wrong? My family actually had these when I was a kid, they were fun and terrifying at the same time. Between these, my dad smoking in a closed car, no seatbelts and pop rocks and Coke, it's amazing we made it out of the 70's alive. Thanks for the nostalgia JT!

LEGO Jarts

Bridge Of Lost Souls

Built for Brickvention in Australia last year, Nick Runia is offering up the final photos of his Bridge of Lost Souls creation.  So, he's got the Light on the left side, Dark on the right, and of course the bridge with Death in the middle.  Peruse his photostream to appreciate the architectural intricacy and organic flow of the rock work and landscaping.  Nicely done, Nick!


Lime Explorer

Builder Rogue Bantha continues his exploration of color, and things are getting interesting. Not that I have anything against some classic grey, blue and yellow, but seeing some splashes of unusual color, combined with his spectacular building style and skill, makes for some eye popping MOCs. The overall shape is unusual, the greebs are nice and the build is clean. This is pretty awesome.

Lime Explorator

Kerbal Space Program 1

I know next to nothing about this game or the concept. But the characters look fun, the game looks fun and the premise looks fun, so I'm interested. From what I gather you help these little definitely not minions guys start a space program and conquer the final frontier. Builder grubaluk seems to have a grasp on what's going on, or at least how to build some fun little characters.

Kerbal Space Program 1
Kerbal Space Program 2

Inside Every One Of Us There's A Skeleton Dying To Get Out

Fun facts about bones

  • The adult human body has 206 bones in the skeleton. These bones are grown together from about 300 bones at birth.
  • The longest bone in the body is called the femur, which connects the pelvis to the knee.
  • Bones are broken down and remade constantly, just like skin. In fact, all of the bones are slowly replaced until they are new bone once every 7 years!
  • The human skull contains the brain, at least in most humans.
  • The lower arm contains two bones called the radius and ulna, there used to be three, but you know, three's a crowd.
  • Bones are made of calcium, ice cream is rich in calcium, ice cream is made of bones.
  • Building a skeleton in LEGO is not easy, but umamen did it, what have you done today?
  • "The bones song" was originally about the Los Angeles freeway system, but not as fun.
  • Bones is a good character on Star Trek
LEGO: Human Skeleton (1/14)

Full Metal Fetus

Well, this is disturbing on just about every level, but it's also oozing with style. Leave it to builder D-Town Cracka to paint a dystopian future where even the newborns are mechanized, and put to use collecting body parts. But it can be argued those body parts aren't going to collect themselves...that's a totally different dystopian future.

Full Metal Fetus

Far Out, MOC!

Sometimes, a good backstory along with a quality MOC from an established builder is just too hard to pass up.  Stephen Pakbaz -- who previously designed NASA's Curiosity rover for the LEGO Ideas line -- has come up with a great one here in Pieceout, "a civilian scientist researching alternative energy on the planet Cybertron."

Hippie Transformers out to make the world a better place? Love it! Transformer MOCs that actually transform?  Excellent!  Clever moniker playing on the themes of that era while simultaneously paying tribute to the very hobby we all love?  Just plain awesome.

Where The Wild Things Are!

Wild indeed!  Luke Watkins Hutchinson has been a busy guy.  In fact, he's announced a project with Bricks magazine where he'll be demonstrating, month by month, how he builds these amazing scenes.  That's why he's only posted the one pic, you'll have to get a subscription to see the rest. 

Both Bricks and Brick Culture are high quality publications, and for those of us in North America, not particularly expensive, even with the postage.  Definitely worth checking out!

'Where The Wild Things Are...'