Nemesis Prime

Not being a huge Transformers fan I needed to do a quick Google search before I posted this and learned that Nemesis Prime, here depicted with supreme skill by builder MortalSwordsman, is an evil clone of Optimus Prime, having most of his abilities but lacking his moral compass. I also learned that he hates Christmas. So not only can he disguise himself as a truck, transform and wreak havoc, but he's also got something against Santa, what a jerk.

Medieval Smithy

Life in medieval times must have been a strange combination of difficult yet simple. Not that the art of smithing is easy in any way, it's hard work all the way back to the quarry, but you knew if you took this rock, smashed it up, built a really hot fire and threw it in, you'd end up with some metal that you could then shape (yes, I super simplified the art of smelting). And you could sell or trade that metal stuff for goods or food you didn't make or grow yourself, like the smith depicted in this beautiful MOC by Julandrius, seems pretty blissful. Sure the average life expectancy was 31 years and every other small country around you wanted you dead, but at least when you sat down at a meal everyone didn't pull out their damn iPhone.

Medieval Smithy - Minifig view

Batman vs. Superman

Thorsten Bonsch has created this nifty moc exclusively for Blocks Magazine.  It's a lighthearted take on the recent movie concept.  Instead of tearing apart Metropolis, they've opted to take Martha Kent's suggestion to try some one-on-one basketball to settle their differences.  You might have noticed there was a little incident with Clark's heat vision, but looks like Mr. Kent has it under control. 

Batman vs. Superman

Expanded Wretched Hive Of Scum And Villainy

Builder I Scream Clone is back and has expanded on this brilliant Mos Eisley Cantina MOC from last year and it's just as wretched. It's instantly recognizable as everyone's favorite desert planet (that is of course you're a fan of Jakku, and really, who's not?) and must look awesome side by side with the cantina section. Although, according to the description this is part of a 24 baseplate diorama, and I count six in this and six in the previous. Does that mean we've only seen half of it? If so I can't wait to see the rest (and eventually the whole thing assembled)!

Mos Eisley Spaceport
Mos Eisley Spaceport
Mos Eisley Spaceport

Update: Ask and you shall receive. I Scream Clone just posted his whole section of the collaborative build. It's enormous and gorgeous. I really want to see this in person, especially when the entire collab build is assembled, it's going to be epic.

Mos Eisley Spaceport complete

A Blast From The Past

A long time ago in a City far far away I discovered SHIP's. Large Lego Space Ships more than 100 studs long. I was amazed by them, so many different shapes, colours and details. This one, the Centaur LL-72 by Chris Giddens has been a long time favourite. I felt inspired to go and try to build something like this. It has lovely clean lines, enough details to be convincing and maybe a touch of Star Wars about it (in a good way!) I still look back at the SHIP's (Suitably Huge Investment in Parts, I think someone once said) from this time, around 2008 with envious admiration. I did build some SHIP's once, I dropped one, scrapped a few and finally got one on display in 2014, a little late to the party!


This Was The Droid We Were All Looking For!

Lego Megastar Peter Reid has once again come up with a startling mini model. I vaguely remember the Tomy Omnibot from my childhood and this rendition is amazing. Making it look like what I assume is the original advertising finishes the piece nicely. This was built for New Elementary's Nexo-Classic Space Challenge. Its a little worrying that there is a chance of electric shock to children under 6, however I suppose thats the price we pay for having the future now!


John Deere 75G

At first glance this looked like one of those behemoth large machinery MOCs, but take a closer look, it's a surprisingly small large machinery MOC. This John Deere 75G by LegoMathijs is so packed with detail and accurate that you just can't tell how big it is when you first look at it, and I think that in itself is a testament to it's quality. Factor in all the cool little touches like opening panels, detailed engine and decked out interior, and you've got a winning MOC.


The People of Laaf

Look how fun this is!  Koen has recreated a small village called Lavenlaar from an amusement park in The Netherlands.  It's inhabited by mischievous folk called Laafs, according to the builder.  Naturally there's a windmill, and a bakery, even a brewery.  I wonder if that's what makes these folks mischievous? 

Anyway, what impressed me were the comparison shots between the actual park and the LEGO.  A truly remarkable reproduction--I'll drink to that!

The People of Laaf

The People of Laaf

Lunar Rover

If you're going to go roving on the lunar surface, you're gonna need a few things. Oxygen, or it's going to be a short trip. Insulation, there's a 200º difference between light and shadow there. Power, likely from batteries but certainly not from a gas engine. And traction, the surface is like that clumpy ash that forms in the bottom of your BBQ. That last part will be no problem for this brilliant classic space rover MOC by The Solitary Dark. Inspired by the tires of his Tamiya Boomerang RC car, the wheels of this rover are the standout feature. and should have plenty of grip trekking over the craters.

Classic Space Lunar Rover.  I was looking at the tyres on my Tamiya RC Boomerang and had the idea for the wheels.
Classic Space Lunar Rover.  I was looking at the tyres on my Tamiya RC Boomerang and had the idea for the wheels.

LEGO Munchkin

I've only played Munchkin once, but I enjoyed it. And like all boardgames, it's only as much fun as the people you're playing with. Well, I'm proud to say that the one time I played and learned the game it was from the builder of this mind-blowing LEGO version, Guy Himber. Me and Guy go way back, like...way way back, to my early creature effects days circa 1988, and it's always fun to spend time with him. Someday I hope to play Munchkin again, with Guy, on this very board.

Munchkin LEGO Gameboard version 2 by Guy Himber

Indonesian Chinatown

Builder KOSbrick and his LUG recently completed a large scale collaborative build celebrating Chinese New Year and Indonesia's rich Chinese heritage. He claims to be somewhat intimidated by the modular building standard, but as far as I'm concerned those fears are unfounded, because these buildings are gorgeous, and all based on actual structures. They connect together seamlessly yet each has it's own distinct personality. Check out more pics and the fascinating story behind these MOCs and the culture and buildings that inspired them on his blog.

Modular Building
Tea House
Medical Clinic & Pharmacy House
Residence House

Moving People, The Old School Disney Way

This one hits me right in the feels. You all know what a Disneyland geek I am, well this was one of my favorite rides, and it's gone. The People Mover was a Tomorrowland staple from 1967-1995, when it was replaced by the ill-fated Rocket Rods which opened and pretty much closed two years later. This lovely brick built tribute by Andy Baird is also in one of it's original colors, and so perfectly done I just want to climb aboard for a fun sixteen minute tour of Tomorrowland.