Knight's Best Friend

If I could choose one mythical creature to ride, I'm pretty sure this Bretonnian Griffon by MarcelV. would be pretty high up on my list. The techniques used for the feet are just perfect and the rest of the body gives a sense of strength and power to this creature. Also, there's just something about these majestic beasts that inspires pride and gives a sense of loyalty that very few other creatures do. Forget about man's best friend, this griffon is a knight's best friend and I can think of no other creature that I'd rather fly into battle with. Huzzah!

Bretonnian Griffon

Olureon Monastery

I live in California, which has missions dotted all the way up the coast (literally, the Spanish Empire built them walking distance from each other), and very strong Spanish aesthetic and cultural influences. So this excellent monastery by soccerkid6 feels familiar and "local". Plus I'm a sucker for Spanish tile roofs, I'm sitting under one right now in my house.

Olureon Monastery

Game On

Listen up kids. In my day video games were hard, and had simple graphics none of this 'you can beat it in 3 hours first play' nonsense. You had to practice and work at it, and we liked it that way!  I have fond memories of playing Pitfall and Combat on my Aunt's Atari 2600 as a child. Builder Jarekwally has expertly captured the venerable classic in bricks. The addition of the distressed photo effects is a very nice touch on this picture. Oh the retro feels.

Retro home video game - Atari

Like A Massive Game Of Jenga That Got Out Of Hand

Having years ago climbed up the steps of El Castillo at Chichen Itza, I hazard that Karl Pilkington has yet to visit the pyramids located on the Yucatan peninsula. Had he, Ricky Gervais' bumbling friend may find many of the stone marvels there not quite as disappointing up close as their distant Egyptian cousins. In this impressive creation by Przemysław Czarnik, lush jungle foliage and draping vines help capture the details found in the myriad of Mesoamerican step-pyramids located throughout Central and South America. 


Little Eye Of Newt, A Few Dragon Scales...

With an impish grin and a bottle of unknown potion, builder Matt Hew's "Potion Master's Hut," conjures images of a "simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes," and "the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses." Either that or there's some crazy coot waiting on the other side of the door with no idea what's on page 394.  

Potion Master’s hut

Gnome Castle

No, that's not lens distortion or some trick of the eye, this castle by Swan Dutchman is actually slightly angled outward. It's a subtle effect that had to make construction exceedingly difficult, which makes me love it even more. The temptation would be to emphasize the effect, since it was so difficult to accomplish, but Koen resisted that urge and the results are absolutely stunning.

Gnome Castle
Gnome Castle

Spirit Caller

It's always amazing to me when a builder simulates soft or unusual textures. The first impression you get when you see this figure by builder Djokson is "feathers", and clearly that was the intention. It's not until you really look close at the elements that make up this figure's costume that you can visually break it down, but even knowing that when you step back it's still feathers.

Mask of the Spirit Caller

Snake Samouraï Temple

This peaceful temple with a charming landscape by rsmbricks depicts the daily labor that goes with maintaining an ancient temple. The use of vibrant reds and blues makes this relatively small scene very interesting and the roof has some intriguing techniques as well. But wait... Are those stickers! How could they!?! Calm down everyone, put your torches and pitchforks down. Stickers aren't always bad (most of the time). I personally think that the stickers create a layer of depth and detail that really brings this build together.

Snake Samouraï Temple

There Be Dragons Here

When I lived in London my commute took me through Chinatown every day, it was just a few blocks south of where I worked in Soho. One night, which just happened to be Chinese New Year, I rounded a corner just as the celebration started. My timing couldn't have been better, it went from normal London hustle bustle noise to sudden cacophony as drums started playing, fire crackers went off and the crowd cheered. And in the middle of it all, was a dragon, not unlike this outstanding depiction by builder Rhymes_Shelter. This was the first time I'd seen a legitimate dragon, and I was transfixed. I stopped dead in my tracks, the pressing need to get back to my tiny flat suddenly erased, and I watched.

The Quiet Tavern

I grew up in restaurants. My dad was a restauranteur and we had a few, he liked the process of starting them, but would get bored soon after and sell it to start a new one, some are still going today. When I looked at this brilliant interior vignette by builder MarcelV I was reminded of those mornings when the place was quiet, there was a bit of a mess from the night before and it was time to start the day. After a bit of clean up and kitchen prep, it would be time to open the doors once again, but for now it was quiet. It was a peaceful time, with wonderful smells, good stories and camaraderie.

Medieval Tavern

Coraline's Pink Palace

One of the highlights of San Diego Comic Con for me was the Laika Experience. The stop motion movie studio Laika took over a space a couple blocks from the convention center in the historic Gaslamp District and converted it into a miniature version of their studio in Portland. In addition to tons of excellent displays of props, sets and figures from many of their films, they had a functioning model shop and shooting stage, with artists on hand to demonstrate and answer questions. They even had free themed ice cream when you exited. But I'm here to tell you about something at the beginning of the tour, visitors waiting in the queue got a great view of this fabulous LEGO Ideas hopeful from Laika's very own Holly Webster, Coraline's Pink Palace.

Yes, it is generally the policy of BrickNerd not to feature LEGO Ideas campaigns unless it's very special circumstances. For instance a major stop motion movie studio displaying a set built by one of it's employees at a special venue at the craziest comic con on the planet. Holly's version of the apartments has all the charm of the original, which is easy to verify because the real set was just a few steps away.


There's even a full set of custom minifigures made with the assistance of the talented Jared Burks, featuring Coraline, Other Mother, Other Father, Bobinsky, Wybie, Coraline Doll, and the cat. The back of the house splits open to reveal a detailed interior of rooms any fan of the film will recognize instantly.


The LEGO Ideas campaign is going now, and thankfully is still early enough that it has a strong chance of making it, especially with the exposure from this past week. Head on over to LEGO Ideas to cast your vote and make this wonderful set a reality. I'd like to give a huge shout out to Holly for granting us access to not only her set, but the fascinating and awesome Laika Experience, it was unforgettable. 

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The Year of the Pig

Builder Kingmarshy is getting a little ahead of himself since it's still Year of the Dog, but this entry for the Bio-Cup contest looks like a winner to me!  I'm normally not a Bionicle fan, but this gluttonous creature, Zhu Bajie the Pig, and the fancy spread he's enjoying has a great blend of system parts, really bringing him to life.  And even though Kingmarshy spent quite a bit of time on this awesome creation, he was actually ready to build something else in a half an hour.

How do you spell SNOT

The Oxford English Dictionary is looking to add Hobby words to their quest to be "The definitive record of the English language."  Through a crowd sourcing effort at  hobby words, acronyms, and phrases can be entered, with definitions and other information about the word.  The more that is enterred the better lets get LEGO Terms in the OED!


New Century City Block Continued

I don't know the full extent of the plans for this whimsical city by builder Pate-keetongu, we featured another section three months ago. But if he keeps building, we'll keep blogging because it's absolutely jaw-dropping. It's like a combination of past and future design aesthetics, with a little Terry Gilliam mixed in. I want to watch the stories that unfold here.

New Century City Block I part II