Zaintiraris Chamber

Have you ever got to any point in any game where you thought, "I should have saved", yeah, of course you have. Play any game for long enough and you'll get a better feel for when you might be in peril, or just pay attention to the giant weapons, numerous sharp objects and remains of previous hapless adventurers and perhaps get a hint? The question is, what did you do Xenomurphy?

The Elder Scrolls Online – Zaintiraris Chamber
The Elder Scrolls Online – Zaintiraris Chamber

Nord Wayshrine

My old pal Thorsten Bonsch continues his series from Elder Scrolls Online with this impressive rendition of a Wayshrine.  As Thor describes in his post, they're basically jump gates, enabling players to travel between them, from region to region.  They vary in design based on the area in which they are built, this one exhibiting Nord architecture.  I particularly like what resemble Viking ship's bows at the gable ends of the roof.  Nice work there, Thor!

Nord Wayshrine 1 (Elder Scrolls Online)

Nord Wayshrine 2 (Elder Scrolls Online)

Tava's Beak

Elder Scrolls seems to be a deep source of inspiration for many builders. It's amazing to me how arts cross-pollinate and the lines blur sometimes. Builder Xenomurphy found inspiration in Tava's Beak, and the results are stunning. The curved, sloping shoreline and bank makes for an excellent foundation, but the sculpted forms of the bird head are the real show-stopper here.

The Elder Scrolls Online – Tava’s Beak

Epic Struggle In The Desert

While playing Elder Scrolls Online The Thieves' Guild builder Xenomurphy stumbled upon this scene. He was so inspired he decided to recreate it in bricks. It shows the aftermath of a great struggle between men and beast, and in the end, nobody won. This is storytelling in a single image/MOC and it's really well done. Oh, and that curved sand dune is especially cool.

The Elder Scrolls Online – The Thieves Guild

The Elder Scrolls-Orsinium

My friend and fellow VLUGer Thorsten Bonsch has created another marvel of LEGO design.  There are so many aspects of this build to enjoy, but in particular, the seamless path really jumps off the screen, looking like it was printed.  I also appreciate the building-in-progress scaffolding mixed with the textured stone work.  Very convincing. 

The Elder Scrolls Online – Orsinium

The Elder Scrolls Online – Orsinium (Details)

The Dolmen

Feast your eyes upon this. When I came upon this stunning MOC by Xenomurphy in my Flickr feed it sort of hit me in waves. First I was looking at the thumbnail and thinking "wow, that's cool" then I viewed the image and went "wait a second, that's not..." then I zoomed in, my eyes bulged, I slowly leaned in and went "whaaaaaaaaaaaa". Seriously, stop reading this and click through and zoom.

The Elder Scrolls Online – The Dolmen 1