Go Go Gadget Building Skills!

Here's a throw back to the eighties, Inspector Gadget by Legohaulic. I was just a bit old to really get into it when it came out, but I could appreciate his excellent cybernetic modifications. Plus I spent way too much time break dancing to Doug E Fresh, and who can forget the riff from The Show? I'll just leave you with that image, you're welcome.

Inspector Gadget
Inspector Gadget

Go Go Gadget MOC!

When Inspector Gadget was reaching the peak of his popularity I'm afraid I was a bit old for cartoons (if that's really possible). What's funny is when I see him what pops into my head is Doug E Fresh. But now I want to flip the whole thing on it's head and when I hear Doug E Fresh I'll think of this outstanding MOC by Orion Pax. Check out his website for a full gallery.

Inspector Gadget