"Antari Station In Quadrant 6, And Step On It"

I really dig this futuristic yet totally retro space taxi by builder ericteo_98, it looks like something right out of a movie. How awesome would it be to see this gliding through the sky against a sci-fi cityscape, dutifully delivering passengers to places we can only dream of. Of course this is the future, so the prices will be crazy too, but maybe the floor wouldn’t be nearly as sticky due to advanced material sciences (who am I kidding, we can’t have nice things).

"Your Mind Powers Will Not Work On Me Boy..."

It’s far too early in the morning and I haven’t had nearly enough tea to have my mind so completely blown by a MOC. I knew what this scene by builder Grantmasters was the moment I saw the thumbnail, but just look at the scale of it! I mean Jabba’s throne room in surprising detail in a package about 10 x 14. I also love that the genesis of this creation was the fact that the hat was reminiscent of Jabba, brilliant.


Meet Oswald, Mickey Mouse’s predecessor. Way back when Walt Disney was making cartoons with this little guy, 27 of them to be exact. But then Walt lost the rights to him and was suddenly without a lead character. Well that was then and this is now and Oswald is proudly back at home with Disney. Builder Alex Kelly brought this little version to life, and he looks ready for some antics.

Surf's Up

If you would have asked me as a freshman in high school I might have suggested this would be me about the age I am now (well, perhaps a bit older). I had a wet suit, I had a surfboard, I went to the beach once or twice a week. It took me years to come to terms with the fact that I don’t actually like the beach, but I figured out I can’t surf pretty quickly. I’m from California, I’m supposed to love the beach right? Well, it’s nice to look at, and I’ll enjoy it from the comfort of my Airstream thanks very much. And I’ll leave the surfing to those that can actually do it, like this old shredder by builder vir-a-cocha. Tear it up dude.

Los Angeles City Hall

If you’ve spent any time downtown in the city of angels, or watched any television or movies in the last 60 years you’ve probably seen this, the iconic Los Angeles City Hall. It’s been the backdrop for many TV shows, including Adam-12, Dragnet and Alias and was destroyed in V. But my personal favorite was standing in for The Daily Planet in the old Superman series. So to see this classic old building in bricks gives me a warm fuzzy, and to see it photographed outside with the hills of Los Angeles in the background at “magic hour” by the great Bruce Lowell made me smile ear to ear. For more information on this build check out Bruce’s website here.

The Coral Hotel

I don’t know where my fascination with art deco came from. There’s a pretty limited sample of the style here in my home town, but I’ve always been drawn to it. So I find this latest build from snaillad totally irresistible. I would love to stay at this hotel, as long as it wasn’t pretentious and weird inside. I’ve stayed at a number of hotels in recent years that celebrate the art deco aesthetic, but only on the outside. On the inside it’s chrome bears, terrible art, pointless doors and friggin’ bean bag furniture. But as you can see, it’s classic 30’s inside this lovely building.

Twelve Years Of Zodiac

I have to admit, Chinese New Year might be better than any other new year. Sure we stay up til midnight drinking and then make a lot of noise (and spend the whole next day nursing a hangover), but there’s no dragons! And we don’t have an official animal every year, which is pretty neat. Speaking of neat, builder vincentkiew has assembled this excellent collection of the entire Chinese zodiac. While they’re all very cool, the dragon and the monkey are my faves.

For The Empire!

There’s a lot to unpack here with Tim Lydy’s first Star Wars build. It started simply enough, with a trench battle featuring the pretty spiffy Mimban Stormtroopers. But it grew in size, and then the Emperor was added, then with the addition of the aurebesh title (for the empire) it has taken on almost a propaganda type feel, and it’s pretty amazing. For a more in depth breakdown of the build, check out this post on EuroBricks.

Duel Of The Fates

While I’m not much of a prequel fan I can say this, if you can get through all the silliness of Phantom Menace and get to the end, you’re gonna see a great lightsaber fight. This was the first time the fans saw some serious Jedi-in-their-prime and total-kick-ass-Sith crossing sabers, and it was pretty bad ass. In fact I’m guessing from the title of this post you’ve had John Williams’ score in your head and you’ve been hearing the humming of lightsabers while you’ve been enjoying this MOC by LEGO 7, amiright?

My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords

One of my go to films when I’m feeling sick is the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. I don’t know what it is, but they have magical healing properties. So just last weekend I watched Fellowship of the Rings and it made me quite happy to scroll to this amazing rendition of Sauron by builder Aaron Brick Designer. I was already feeling pretty good, but now I’m feeling great!

The Patron Saint Of Comics

It’s hard to describe the impact of this man. His imagination and talent brought forth a tsunami of creativity and escapism to generations of people. From the early days of the fledgling comic book company Marvel to the behemoth of the Marvel cinematic universe, he is one of the handful of people that were the start of it all. His influence was the spark for so many creative people now, and will be for the foreseeable future. From young artists learning to draw right now, to aspiring filmmakers, to artists working in other mediums, like bricks. Builder vincentkiew has crafted this fitting tribute to an incredible man, Stan Lee.

Torrac's Race Bike

Of all the intricate pieces Lego builders have at their disposal, perhaps the most ironic one and the one we take for granted the most is the piece separator. It is a highly valuable tool that can spare your nails from extreme pain by separating those two 2x2 plates that have spent an eternity attached to one another after a child decided they would fit nicely together. This speeder by Inthert perfectly illustrates a wonderful use of this often forgotten piece that creates a fascinating shape. Let’s just hope the speeder doesn’t feel the wrath of the piece separator mid-flight!

Jeanne d'Arc Alter

Builder Mike Dung is back with another stunning video game character. This time it’s Jeanne d'Arc Alter from the Japanese game Fate Grand Order. And this is the part where I say I haven’t played it, and have no idea who this is, like I always do. I don’t care, she’s gorgeous and that flag is pretty awesome too. It looks like the product of a graphic run through a mosaic program, but the results were then broken into slats and hinged. the results are an eye catching and unique feature.

Tour De Paris

Ahh, Paris, the city of lights and love. In this wonderful depiction by Markus Rollbühler you can almost hear the sound of the cafes and see the Eiffel Tower rising above the buildings in the distance. The smell of fresh bread and coffee fills your nose as you walk past a bakery and as you walk over a bridge you can hear and smell the Seine, which is not a pleasant as the bread but is almost as beautiful. You walk past a restaurant and… wait, is that a rat cooking? It must have been your imagination. After all, Paris is a magical place.


What is the biggest problem LEGO builders face? No, not the price of LEGO. Not the illegal building techniques either. It’s not even the time waiting for the next BrickNerd blog. It’s of course finding the right darn piece! Now if only we could all have this perfect little companion built by Sven Franic to help us find those pesky parts life would be so much simpler. I highly recommend checking out the article that explores the new Ninjago turntable piece used for the hands which you can find here.

Into The Unknown

When I was little, growing up to be an astronaut was all the rage. With our head in the stars, we dreamed about distant galaxies and meting aliens along the way. But this moc by Ralf Langer is nothing like that. This is not the colorful domaine of cute and friendly aliens from cartoons, and judging by the state of this facility the last thing these aliens are thinking about is having a good time. As this astronaut ventures deep into the alien compound, he might just send out one last message into the stars: “This is Brickley last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off”.