Mordecai And Rigby

I recognize these characters, I know I've seen them on my son's TV when I was in telling him to clean his room or something, you know, "Parental". I may have even watched for some time, scratching my head and quipping something witty (again, in a very "parental" way, probably not funny). But I can't say I know them. I can however say this is a cool MOC, and I love a good character build.

Mordecai and Rigby

Ancient Amphitheater

This very large and beautiful MOC of an ancient amphitheater is from Hardegon. I don't know the details of the build, there's no description, but I can only guess at how long this took to build. The stands are a little barren, apparently whatever show is running now isn't drawing much of a crowd. But I can only imagine the crowd that will surround this MOC if it ever goes on display. Click through for many more pictures.


And You Thought Your Monday Was Going Bad

We've all had those days. You overslept, forgot the creamer in your coffee, got stuck in traffic, missed a meeting at work because you were late, got strapped to a X frame and dismembered for the enjoyment of a goblin king...OK, maybe not that last part. So your day isn't so bad now huh? At least not as bad as this poor chump in this rather macabre MOC by cmaddison.

Dinner and a Show

Guess Who's Coming To Town?

Ooooh, so exciting! It's less than three weeks until this guy comes to town. I don't know about all of you but I've been very nice. So Santa, can you hook me up with some more filmmaking equipment so I can produce even better quality episodes for everyone? Speaking of quality, check out this build by Bricks for Brains, superb! Oh, and then there's the little workshop where he and the elves make all the toys.

Santa's sleigh
Santa's house1