Art Deco Living

I loves me a little retro, and this is just my speed. I'm becoming convinced that Sir Nadroj is a time traveller. From his taste for vintage clothing to his uncanny knowledge, I think he's been sent here from the past (or is it the future?) to enlighten us with splendid design in our history. Once upon a time we were craftsmen and skilled artisans, what happened?

Holmer Harvester

I won't begin to imply that I know a thing about harvesters or harvesting. I do recall being in Kansas and seeing these beasts make their way through vast fields. They're impressive for both their size and what they do. This monster by eric trax is no less impressive, for the exact same reasons. Check out the video and click through for many more pictures.

Merry Christmas!

At last all good things must come to an end, including Seth Christie's rendition of the Night Before Christmas story. I would personally like to thank him for making my Christmas countdown just that little bit more special this year. I invite you all to start at the beginning of Seth's wonderful 21 part series if you have not already seen the whole thing.

Have a wonderful Christmas day everyone!

Night Before Christmas, #21

Sneaking Up On Santa

What do Santa Claus, the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, and Waldo have in common? Elusiveness, that's what. Part myth, part children's story the jolly old elf is rarely seen. Sure there are department store imposters but those, just like the blurry videos of big foot, are imposters, posers to the throne. I don't think it is technically possible to sneak up on Santa, with magic like his he is only seen when he wants to be seen.

Night Before Christmas, #17 Night Before Christmas, #18

Napping Santa

I know how you feel Santa, I'm tired too. But tonight's your night, I promise we'll put out some delicious cookies for you. And I've been super good, really! Now, I'd like a Steadicam, some new Canon lenses, a slider dolly, some LED panels, a butterfly frame and black background, some flags, some apple boxes, a junior cart, oh and a LEGO death star, an X-wing...


A Merry Presentation

Telling a story with LEGO bricks via still photo takes a lot of setup and posing, along with the right camera angle and focus. Seth Christie pulls this off nicely throughout his Night Before Christmas series by focusing on the story elements in the photo instead of on the actual build itself. To some builders this may seem counterproductive as blurring out the background and cropping things tightly does not show off all your hard work. However, by focusing on the central elements Seth is able to tell us a story with the LEGO brick medium.

Night Before Christmas, #15
Night Before Christmas, #16

It's All In The Details

Up until this point we have talked mostly about the story part of Seth Christie's Night Before Christmas build. In today's two posts we will be take a look at some of the details that make this series so special. Specific things of note are the use of screwdrivers for chain pulls on the two floor lamps (brilliant), use of minifigure legs for the wall baseboard and don't even get me started on the fireplace.

Night Before Christmas, #13
Night Before Christmas, #14

I Woofs You

These are so very charming. Kosmas Santosa has started what I hope is a long series of dog MOCs. Each is a specific breed and they're all adorable. The pictures almost look like illustrations they're so well done, and I wouldn't be surprised to find them in a book (hint hint Kos). I'm hoping a Corgi is on the list if there's going to be more of these.

I Woof You! - English Bulldog
I Woof You! - Scottish Terrier
I Woof You! - Bull Terrier