Like Watching Grass Grow, Without All The Excitement

Hey BrickNerd readers, we're counting down for our first ever BrickNerd Live Build. Join BrickNerd Nerd-In-Chief Tommy Williamson as he builds set 70809 Lord Business' Evil Lair live. The event starts at 12:00 PM PST and goes until 2:00PM PST. This is our first live event and should be something like watching a train wreck in extremely slow motion, how can you resist?


Update: That was fun! Thanks to everyone that stopped by to say hi and make it a good time. There will be more. Here's the replay if you're really bored and/or into self torture. 

Siths On Stage

This shot by samsofy speaks to me. I've spent SO much time in the past 25 years on green screen stages, but never with a group of Sith lords. I love that this is lit, not only with some cleverly built Lifelites, but that there's a grip holding a reflector, classic. Now, what are we going to do about that heinous green spill on that helmet?

Vador casting

"There Is Only One Lord Of The Rings"

Don't you just hate it when an all-powerful supernatural being tries to take over the world? Meet Sauron, from Middle Earth. He's the tall, dark and ambitious type, with big plans for Mordor and whatever else realms he might just, you know, take by force with an orc army. This version by Legonardo Davidy doesn't pose much threat though, you could just pop that one ring off and poof, he's back in the parts bin.


It Goes Past 11

I feel like I am breaking some sort of unwritten rule by misquoting one movie to describe another unrelated movie for this post's title. But who cares when it fits so well, right? right?

Anywho, what a great build featuring one of the iconic scenes from Back To The Future? Seriously, this build has it all including many of the minor details from the original movie set such as the plutonium storage container easter egg.

Woah...Rock and Roll!

Technic Snowspeeder

The Snowspeeder from The Empire Strikes Back is one of my favorite Star Wars ships. I've always found the faceted design and back-to-back cockpit really appealing. And it's just cool, ya know? This Technic design by drakmir rivals the UCS set for sheer awesomeness. Let's all back it on Cuusoo and get it into our hot little hands!

technic lego t-47 airspeeder
technic lego t-47 airspeeder

...While Visions Of Assassinations Danced In Their Heads

The holidays are over, but there's still some Christmas cheer to spread around. TBB's own Nannan Z. has conjured up a charming little story of Santa's visit to the Ninjago dojo. The sticker use here is brilliant, and I love a MOC that tells a story. One glance and you know everything that's going on here.

Holidays at the Dojo


WALL-E is one of my favorite Pixar movies. Not only does it have a charming story with lovable characters and laughs as well as tugs on the heart strings. But one of the things I love the most about it was it was different and risky. And while I can't say this MOC by Legohaulic is risky, it has everything else going for it that the movie does, it's awesome.

Space Dance

"You're Dessssspicable"

When I was a kid we lived for Saturday morning. Somehow the affliction that made getting up early so difficult just the day before was lifted and we were up at the crack of dawn and planted in front of the TV set with a bowl of Cheerios. It was time for some Sid & Marty Croft, Tom & Jerry and of course some classic Warner Brothers cartoons. Pepa Quin masterfully captures one of the greatest moments in Daffy/Bugs confrontational history.

The Hunting Season

Explorer: Next Generation

Next to LEGO Castle, LEGO Space is definitely my favorite LEGO theme. There is just something about the theme that stirs my inner explorer, to "boldly go where no man has gone before". Exploration also has a dark side to it the fear of the unknown, just the smallest mistake could quickly turn into one's untimely death. 6kyubi6 has done a couple of nice things in this stellar build (no pun intended) to bring the feeling of impending doom to the forefront by presenting us with some unanswered questions. What happened to the red shirted explorer? Where is the rest of his crew? Why was his body left to rot? Why did he wear the token bad-luck red shirt?