Belynia Castle
/Castle Belynia by Simon Schweyer feels like it was carved out of the forest instead of built on top of it. Simon does a great job of leveraging rock inclines and angles to pull of a visually interesting earthen fortress. I hope Simon creates additional sections surrounding this castle, including perhaps a small forest village?
No Parents
/Everyone can relax, Powerpig is back in Brick Sketch mode. His latest offering is everyone's favorite orphan billionaire vigilante gadget-hound with anger management issues.
Gremlin Tank
/I couldn't decide if this was more awesome, or more deadly looking. Then I realized that those terms didn't have to be mutually exclusive. Then I thought maybe I'd combine the terms, but realized that both "deadsome" and "awesly" both sound stupid. So I decided to make up a new word for it, and after much thought I hereby declare this amazing MOC by Lego Junkie "threatacular". You're welcome.
Mitgardian Trade
/This is one of those MOCs that seems simple at first, and then surprises you, then continues to draw you in. The detail seems minimalistic at first, then you realize you've just not really looked. The shapes seem almost crude, then you realize it's because they're effortless. Nice work Gideon.
That Is A Tasty Burger
/Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, and we like burgers. Fans of Pulp Fiction will get the reference, everybody else, just gawk at this. I would SO eat at this restaurant! Builder Bricktron brought us this totally awesome burger joint.
Magnetic Drill
/This excellent bit of machinery comes from Gilcélio, who is presently battling it out with Lego Junkie in the latest Iron Builder. I've never used this particular device, but I'd swear from a thumbnail it was a actual tool and not LEGO.
Visual Poetry
/This is a feast for the eyes and the soul, T. S. Eliot's immortal words and McBricker's brilliant build. Combine both with beautiful composition and you have a trifecta. Just gorgeous.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
/No trip to Disneyland is complete without a parade. Either one that you've camped out for on Main Street, or the one that you didn't plan on blocking your access to Tomorrowland. This Fantasia float by Brickbaron isn't actually based on a real float, but you wouldn't know it. I can totally see this cruising around the hub while some poor cast members bake in the sun and dance on the deck.
Midi Frame
/Everyone seems as excited by the new balljoint elements as I am. Both the new Chima Legend Beasts and Mixels are loaded with them, and all in reasonably priced sets. MacLane celebrated these new awesome parts by building this fairly simple, but completely slick humanoid frame. It's just aching to be animated.
Oak Shredder
/I don't know what goblins and orcs have against trees, but I have to admire their ingenuity, and their steampunky aesthetics. The Oak Shredder is clearly quite the labor saving device. And not only does it make quick work of whatever trees are around, it looks like a blast to drive. Nice work captainsmog.
/One of the best things about How To Train Your Dragon was the design diversity of the dragons themselves. This is one of my favorites, the gronckle. There's something about his bumblebee proportions and goofy demeanor that just appeals to me. This version by Stormbringer captures him perfectly.
Intergalactic Laundry Day
/The laundering and ironing of clothes has long been the bane of human existence. The endless cycle of dirtying and washing your daily apparel nearly falls under the definition of insanity. Short of hiring a maid, it is a task you cannot escape. Perhaps someday Rodney the Robot will become a reality and we can live our days with a bit more sanity.
Introducing Falworth Publishing
/Castle fans are familiar with the name Mark of Falworth. Well, the brothers Erickson have launched a new endeavor, Falworth Publishing. Now the tales woven by Mark and Steven have a home, stay tuned for the first adventure.
We Can Build It!
/As promised yesterday, Tee Fury has just released this awesome shirt and now you can order yours. You know you want it!
Update: Tee Fury has moved on to the next shirt, as is their way.
Mary Crisp Miss
/I am continually amazed at what some builders can do with Bionicle and Hero Factory. Take this mind-blowing dragon by origamiguy1971, I can honestly say that the potential of these parts was lost on me, and I own a fair number of them.
Like A History Lecture, Without All The Pesky Learning And Stuff
/Tonight is another BrickNerd Live Build. Join me as I build all five LEGO Chima Legend Beasts. There's also a pile of Mixels at the studio, I may just have to build a couple of those too. Tune in at 5pm PST ( Google+ Hangout starts at 4:00) and brace yourselves for some serious action, or at least a man-child playing with toys.
We Can Build It!
/I get asked all the time "Where did you get that shirt?" and the response quite often is "Tee Fury" (in fact, I'm wearing one as I type this, and I got a new one in the mail today). Well my friends at Tee Fury wanted to let me and all of you know that tomorrow you can grab this awesome new design. Stay tuned for the link and score a sweet shirt!
It's On Like Donkey Kong
/If you haven't already noticed, there's another Iron Builder raging on Flickr. This bout pits Lego Junkie against Gilcélio and the part is the 1x4 double curved slope. Both builders have already thrown down the gauntlet and this is sure to be a contest for the ages.