Aston Martin DB5

I think it's wonderful how particular cars are associated so strongly with a film or character. Some so strongly that they seem inseparable. Can you think of a Delorean without Marty McFly? Well here is another car that is forever linked, and it's hard to say which is more cool, the car or the man, since we're talking about James Bond. This Aston Martin DB5 by EROL hits all the right marks, instantly recognizable and iconic.

Aston Martin DB5

A Feast For The Eyes As Well As The King

This banquet scene is from the upcoming book Build Your Own LEGO Knights Realm. And if this single image is any indication, it's going to be a fantastic book. There's so much detail here you can stare at this image for ages and keep spotting new things. My favorite detail is the candelabra on the main table, great use of the handcuffs part.

Knights banqueting
Build Your Own Lego Knight's Realm: The Big Unofficial Lego Builder's Book
By Joachim Klang, Philipp Honvehlmann, Lutz Uhlmann, Tim Bischoff

King Fisher Assault Unit

You don't see very many SHIPS (seriously heavy investment in parts) on this blog. It's not that I have anything against them, I just generally find them a bit ho-hum. Size does not equal impressive in my opinion. But when it comes to design, that's where you'll get my attention. And this MOC by KingBrick is off the charts. The color combinations, the contouring and levels of detail, the overall proportions and form factor are just stunning. I want to see it in a movie, now!

Kingfisher Assult Unit
Kingfisher Deets

Builder Showcase - Ed Diment

Builder Showcase - Ed Diment

When I met Ed Diment back in 2010 it was immediately evident I was speaking to an AFOL of particular dedication. Of course I met him in the shadow of his phenomenal USS Intrepid, which at 22 feet long just stopped you in your tracks while you picked up your jaw. I soon after discovered he's also a very likable, funny guy with a love for life just as powerful as his passion for the bricks.

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It's All In The Reflections And Highlights

This MOC by Moko is really cool, but not as cool as the presentation of it. It was a risky move shooting a dark green and black MOC against a very dark background, but this is how it's done. What makes it work is careful lighting. It's the reflections and specular highlights that you're mostly looking at here, and that's the secret of dark model photography. Beautifully done.

Psychic Green

Those Darn Pirates

Dear Cardinal Augustus,

Pirates once again attacked the church of St. Lucia today. There were no fatalities this time but docent Marcus received quite a knock on the head. We really need to address the issues stemming from the misunderstanding about the steps of the church. How that cartographer misheard "measure of truth" as "treasure of blue" is mind-boggling, but it's been nothing but trouble since. Whatever you can do would be most appreciated.


Docent Jorge, St. Lucia church


PS, send my regards to Mark of Falworth, I'm a big fan of his work.

The Battle of St. Lucia

The Blacksmith's House

When you spend every day looking for notable MOCs it gets more and more rare that you say to yourself "that's cool, I've never seen that before". Well it happened this morning when I gazed upon this lovely little blacksmiths house by Simon S. The first thing that caught my attention was the cool purple shingled roof, but then I saw the walls festooned with all manner of armor and I was smitten.

Belynia's Blacksmith
Belynia's Blacksmith


A lot happened when I was 9, many things that shaped me as a person, many things that happened around me. I remember the hype about this mission, recreated quite faithfully here by eldeeem, and watching the launch on the news. Knowing that it has since passed the boundaries of our solar system and is doggedly continuing on it's mission fills me with pride in the US space program. Of course it will come back in the year 2271 as V'Ger and attempt to destroy us, and that's kinda messed up.

Voyager 2

Rolls Royce Phantom II

This, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful cars ever built. Of course it's a product of the 1920's and of Rolls Royce, and between the aesthetics of the period, and the famous attention to detail of RR, how could it not be utterly stunning. Builder Lino M does it justice in this MOC. Or as the Sultan famously said in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom...

Rolls-Royce Phantom Two. 4.3 litre, 30 horsepower, six cylinder engine, with Stromberg Downdraft carburetor. Can go from zero to 100 kilometers an hour in 12.5 seconds...And I even like the color.
— Sultan
Rolls Royce Phantom II…Vanilla Flavor
Rolls Royce Phantom II…Vanilla Flavor