Christmas Bookends

Deborah Higdon has built a pair of large scale bookends that when rearranged create a festive Christmas scene.  As you scroll through the album, you'll see that the gifts are from the 12 Days of Christmas.  All very clever and well built, with some humor thrown in for good measure.  Let's just say some items were damaged during shipping.  If you haven't heard the song a thousand times by now, you might want to check this version out. 


Ewok Village

I have to be honest, I'm not a big Ewok fan.  Even as a kid watching the movie, I wondered when Kermit and Miss Piggy were going to show up.  But this Ewok Village by KW Vauban almost changes my mind.  The scale and detail are most impressive!  He's got the party up above, the funeral pyre down below, and the Ewok Battle Wagon double parked at the base, anticipating an emergency beer run, I suppose. 

The whole display sits on four 48X48 baseplates, and stands 97cm tall.  That's like three feet-Dude!  Scroll through the post on MocPages to see all the action. 

Wanna Race?

I'm sure there's some psudospecs somewhere about the top speed of both of these vehicles, but I'm not going to bother researching it. I know both the landspeeder and speeder bike are fast, but we've never seen them on screen together, so I like to imagine a small wager being placed here, perhaps for a couple droids. Nice build Mad physicist.

Star Wars vehicles and figures

Disney Princess Ornaments

I absolutely love these, and I know Mrs. BrickNerd will too. Builder 'rolli is getting ready for Christmas with these adorable Disney princess ornaments. There's Leia (yeah, she's technically a Disney princess now), Ariel, Snow White, Tiana and of course Elsa and Anna. I just might have to recreate these for our house, they're awesome.

Disney Princess Christmas Ornaments

Builder Showcase - Fedde "Karf Oohlu" Barendrecht

Builder Showcase - Fedde "Karf Oohlu" Barendrecht

I've come to expect several things in my daily browsing of Flickr: To be amazed that Yahoo has changed yet something else, someone will have a picture of a LEGO Stormtrooper doing something, and a new MOC from Karf. I can think of no more prolific builder than this unassuming man from down under, and he continuities to amaze and delight me with daily offerings of whimsy and humor. 

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Counting Down

Now that we're past my first countdown of December, we can start counting down to Christmas. This lovely interior by sanellukovic sets the mood perfectly. You can practically hear the clock ticking, Sleighride playing softly in the background, the fire crackling and sound of wrapping paper giving way to excited children's hands.  I hope there's some LEGO under that tree.

Merry Christmas to every one!


This beautiful MOC by Pate-keetongu just might have the best sense of motion of any MOC I've ever seen. It seems to be a moment in time just as much as it is a lovely sculpture. She's got all the makings of a goddess of Endor, can't you just see ewoks worshiping her? The contoured forms, creative part use and pose all add up to a MOC that just begs to be admired, and admire it I do. 



You want to hear my fan theory that the Predator is actually a Sith? Too bad because I don't have such a silly theory. I do have a strong admiration for this latest build by Grantmasters though. I've always been a big fan of this amazing character brought to life by the late, great Stan Winston and his crew. It's one of the things that sealed my ambition to work in creature effects.

BrickNerd LiveBuild - Poe's X-Wing Fighter


I can't believe Star Wars The Force Awakens is almost here! We're counting the hours and what better way to kill some time and have some fun than to build? So we're building Poe's X-Wing Fighter live! Join me and James Morr at 10am PST. It's way more interesting than sitting in line (which is where you'll find me tomorrow!) 

Nautical Bedroom

I love this interior by Littlehaulic (and the rest of the house it's in). It's got so many little details and subtle techniques that it almost looks like just a photograph of a room and would be right at home in a Ralph Lauren catalog. I have to assume there's a TV on the fourth wall (the one we're looking "through") otherwise how are you going to watch Star Wars in bed?

Coastal Breeze 03
Coastal Breeze Beach House

Steven Universe

I won't pretend I know anything about Steven Universe, and a quick Google search looked like a deep rabbit hole I really didn't feel like going down this morning. What I do know is this is a first class character build by Ilia with tons of clever techniques and awesome modeling. And you know what else has a universe? The Star Wars universe, that's what. (yup, lamest attempt yet)

Dino Bones

When Threepio was lost on the dune sea of Tatooine he encountered one of these, the skeleton a Krayt Dragon. The Krayt is an indigenous species of Tatooine, feared for their large size and fierce temper. They feed mostly on bantha, whose slow speed and poor eyesight make them easy prey for the...what's that?...tyrana-wha? Oh....


Nice build -derjoe-

Tyrannosaurus Rex, T-Rex