Brick Bride

I won't claim to totally understand this creation by builder LegoWyrm. It draws inspiration from multiple sources, but when I started researching it I could see the rabbit hole was pretty deep, and I need to make breakfast. But I've always said you don't need to understand art to appreciate it, it just has to move you. And I find this to be charming and compelling. The big question is did she say "I do"?

Heruei and the Brick Bride
Heruei ~ Minifig Version

Rori Dulgisson, Thane from Karak Zorn

Dwalin Forkbeard is clearly a fan of dwarfs and Warhammer Fantasy Battles Universe.  It took him two months to create this stunning figure, his first attempt at something in this scale.  Dwalin knew that to get the details and curves he envisioned for the piece, he would need to go larger.  So at about two feet tall, Rori here is almost life-size.  And with that rune inscribed hammer, I don't think anybody's going to try and toss this Dwarf...

Rori Dulgisson, Thane from Karak Zorn

Safety Protocols Disabled

To celebrate the upcoming 30th anniversary of Star Trek The Next Generation (gawd I'm old, I was in high school when it premiered) TBB's own Ochre Jelly decided to take us to the holodeck, where things never went horribly wrong. Like that time that infamous character builder got trapped in there and his doppleganger got out and started building with minifigs (yeah, pretty far fetched).

Safety Protocols Disabled
Safety Protocols Disabled

Review: Brick Warriors German Flametrooper

Review: Brick Warriors German Flametrooper

The fine folks at Brick Warriors were kind enough to send over one of their latest releases, the German Flametrooper. While I'm not a military builder, we have had military scenes in a couple animations done here over the last few years, so we do keep an assortment of military accessories on hand. And now we have a particularly badass set.

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Coyote Tango

I remember when I was discovering that I was not alone in my adult LEGO fandom one of the first creations that sorta blew my mind was an elaborate mech. I'm sure if I want back and found that exact model it would be pretty tame by today's standards, but it was still my first "wait, that's LEGO?" moment. I'm sure if I had seen this stunning mech by LEGO 7 I would have just kept scrolling, because it wouldn't have even registered as brick built from a thumbnail.


El Camino

It takes one flip through a Sears Wishbook or a rerun of the Gong Show to remind yourself just how unattractive the 70's were. Things like avocado appliances and bellbottoms not only existed, they were popular. It is in this environment that things like wood paneling, orange on brown paint paint schemes and the shag dashboard were allowed to happen. So for LUGNuts' latest challenge "cult following", builder Lino M had to audacity to built an El Camino, with an orange on brown paint job...and it's friggin' awesome. It defies all logic, but he pulled it off.

'78 El Camino
'78 El Camino

It's Better Down Where It's Wetter

It never fails to amaze me what a simple seed part can inspire. This magical MOC depicting the undersea world of Disney's The Little Mermaid all stems from the black fan you see on Tritan's tail. That's the seed part in this round of the ABS Builder Challenge, and that's all builder Nuju Metro needed to inspire all of this.

The Undersea Kingdom

King Of Hearts

You don't hear much about the King of Hearts. The Queen of Hearts is of course famous from Alice in Wonderland, but the King just doesn't get much attention. Well builder Likus is here to change all that with this well crafted and badass figure. She might be yelling "off with his head" all the time, but the king here looks like he would just take care of that himself.

King of Hearts

My First Computer: Adore Edition

No one brings the nostalgia with a subtle unique style quite like Chris McVeigh. His creations are so cleanly built and beautifully photographed you know they're his as soon as you see them. This is an update of one of his earliest computer builds, and it's awesome. Being an old school Amiga man, I have a soft spot for Commodore, and the 64 is an undisputed legend. You can build your own soon when he publishes a building guide to his website.

Adore Edition v3.0

Deadpool Duck

I don't know why, but every time I see the name Deadpool Duck, I hear that terrible song by Rick Dees, Disco Duck. And as much as that sucks I can't help but think if this character was in a movie, that would be a pretty awesome theme song if it was done right. Meet Deadpool Duck, who recently shot to AFOL cult status and infamy after becoming one of the San Diego Comic Con exclusive figures. Now he's a fully brick-built figure thanks to builder DOGOD Brick Design.

s_DOGOD_Deadpool Duck_07
s_DOGOD_Deadpool Duck_01

Kali Ma!

Not long ago I told the story of camping out for Temple of Doom, and my mixed feelings on the film. This scene, with Mola Ram plucking some poor dude's heart out and dunking him in liquid hot magma, is dark, really dark. But if you use Minifigures to depict anything, it inevitably elevates the cuteness and charm, as evidenced by W. Navarre's excellent diorama here.

Kali Ma! (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)

Gungan Plasma Farm

Although it's widely reviled (and understandably so), I don't outright hate The Phantom Menace. I saw it in theaters when I was 10, so I was just excited to see a new Star Wars movie. Love, hate, or just barely tolerate it, you can't deny it had really nice art direction. This awesome Otoh Gunga Plasma Farm by Inthert, although not seen in the movie, looks like it could be just off screen. There's always a bigger fish...

Star Wars Ring-worlds: Otoh Gunga Plasma Farm