BrickNerd Episode 109
/Featuring BrickJournal Magazine and a review of all three LEGO Minecraft sets.
/It's been a long time since I've messed with expansion slots. I switched to exclusive laptop use several years ago. But if the hardware was this irresistible back then I may never have left. Awesome work Brickthing .
You Scream, I Scream...
/There was no mistaking it. When we heard that distinctive music droning pitifully out of that nearly broken loud speaker we knew what was a nearby. Then it became a desperate race to find mom or dad, make an impassioned plea for some money then charge into the street, frantically searching for the direction of the sound. The ice cream truck was here. Sweet little build Kos.
Riddle Me This
/*whonk* (sound of jaw hitting counter top). This is a seriously cool hot rod inspired by Batman villain The Riddler. Once again _Tiler delivers top-notch building and excellent photography, this is gorgeous.
Painting With Light
/It's been a long time since I've done any long exposure photography, and seeing this shot makes me miss it. The premis is pretty simple. Lock the camera off and using the bulb or similar setting, open the shutter and leave it open. Then paint with light. It takes some practice to get it right, but when it works it's magical. Nice shot Jonathan.
Thank You.
/All gave some, some gave all. To all the men and women of the armed forces, past and present, thank you for your service. Your sacrifice preserves our lifestyle, and for that I'm grateful. And to Si_MOCs, thanks for this tribute.
/Tower Of Orthanc Speed Build
/Members of the STUDS booth at DesignerCon took some time this afternoon to speed build the Tower of Orthanc, an event sponsored by FBTB. They made quick work of this set with a time of 36 minutes and 56 seconds. You can spot OneLUG's amazing Orthanc tower in the background of some shots.
You Could Not Wish For A Finer Blade
/One of the greatest accomplishments of The Hobbit (and Lord of the Rings for that matter) is the production design. Especially the armor and weapons. The elvish weapons are just gorgeous. And this MOC by Cole Edmonson of Thorin's blade captures the elegant lines and distinct design so well.
Is It The Dungeon Map?
/Zelda has been on my mind a lot these days. In fact I brought my 3DS with me to D-Con, and Ocarina of Time is in it. I'm also eyeing one of those themed Wii U's for Christmas. So to be greeted by this awesome MOC by cmaddison this morning made me smile.
Going To D-Con!
/This weekend I'll be at Designer-Con in Pasadena. If you're going to be there swing by the STUDS booth and say hi. I'll be selling some BrickNerd Do-It-Yourself Fan Art prototype kits. I have Nerdly kits and just a few Mousedroid kits. I'll also have some other swag. See you there!
Live On Stage...
/This Iron Builder is starting to heat up. This entry by Brickthing is absolutely amazing. Not only from a building standpoint, but this is some top notch MOC photography. Well played sir, well played.
/You remember Mr. Owl? The one who taught us how many licks to the center of Tootsie Pop? Well, he cheated, turns out it's not three. Thankfully this isn't Mr. Owl, so I won't have to avenge my friend's broken tooth. Nice work mihaimariusmihu.