Music Teacher Townhouse

I am not a very musically gifted person and, despite many attempts to correct this, I will probably forever be that way. I do, however, appreciate some good tunes and the skill of those that perform it.

When it comes to LEGO bricks, I enjoy unique subject matter and zaberca's Music Teacher Townhouse fits the build (pun intended). The contrast between the brick on the front of this building along with the excellent use of flat white tiles for framing really make this creation for me and could easily be part of the LEGO modular town sets. Make sure to check out the details on the inside of the building as the musicians practice their instruments.

Lego Music Teacher's Town House - Collage

To Fight Monsters, We Created Monsters

Over the holiday break I was finally able to correct a severe nerd oversight, mainly I finally saw Pacific Rim. And now that Moko's awesome collection is complete (I understand that due to lack of decent reference material, Coyote Tango is postponed indefinitely) I can finally blog these amazing little works of absolute badassery.

Pacific Rim
Striker Eureka
Gipsy Danger

Copperhead Steam Powered Bike

As any discerning gentleman knows, getting there in style and reliably is paramount. The Martins Copperhead Steam Powered Bike is as powerful as any $2000 gasoline powered motor vehicle on the market. Two cycle steam generates over eight horses of power and can tops speeds of 15 miles per hour. The Extended saddle comfortable seats one or two. Can be refueled in less than five minutes.


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Copperhead Steampunk Bike

An Explosive Experiment


And here I was just trying to enjoy a nice, evening dinner with guests when that old wizard decided to cook something up that wasn't on the menu. Ah well, at least the explosion livened up the dinner conversation a bit.

Excellent work here by Digger1221. I always appreciate a good fireball with corresponding smoke trail. The rest of the build has some great details and wonderful contrast between the Wizard's lab in the basement and the dinning room on the main floor.

CCCXI-An Explosive Experiment Main

Who You Gonna Call?


Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, and to bust ghosts. I woke up with the Ghostbusters music stuck in my head. Not that crap Ray Parker Jr. ripoff of Huey Lewis, but the score by Elmer Bernstein. That of course got me thinking about the movie, which inevitably led to props, which led to this, one of my favorite LEGO props ever built. This ghost trap by Profound Whatever makes me smile whenever I see it. Sure the stripes are strait on top, but it's still friggin' awesome.

Ghostbusters trap

Warrior Rose, Graceful Valkyrie

There are a lot of games I haven't played. Honestly I don't get to play much of anything anymore (stupid adult responsibilities) and the popularity of some games honestly baffles me. But not as much as the titles for some games (and characters). This is Warrior Rose, Graceful Valkyrie (huh?) from the game Puzzle & Dragons (double huh?). That aside, this is an excellent MOC from MikeVd. I especially like the shield and the use of the sprue from the leaf parts as a detail.

[Puzzle & Dragons]  Warrior Rose, Graceful Valkyrie
[Puzzle & Dragons]  Warrior Rose, Graceful Valkyrie

The Source Of Eternal Life

Now wouldn't this be a fun little discovery while trekking through the woods? Minding your own business and suddenly there's a fountain of youth right there in front of you. This is a excellent example of creative lighting to truly make a MOC. Using LED lighting strips, markus19840420 under lit the water in this scene. That twisted trunk on the center tree is really cool too.

Lake Town

I've been a bad nerd this holiday season, I have yet to see The Desolation of Smaug. But, boy does this Lake Town build put me in the mood to see the movie!

When building within the castle color palette of grays and browns things can look a little washed out and boring.  It takes a lot of work to make something unique that's truly stands out and that is exactly builder Fedin has pulled off. Now if someone could only convince him to make even more of the city.
