"You're Dessssspicable"

When I was a kid we lived for Saturday morning. Somehow the affliction that made getting up early so difficult just the day before was lifted and we were up at the crack of dawn and planted in front of the TV set with a bowl of Cheerios. It was time for some Sid & Marty Croft, Tom & Jerry and of course some classic Warner Brothers cartoons. Pepa Quin masterfully captures one of the greatest moments in Daffy/Bugs confrontational history.

The Hunting Season

Explorer: Next Generation

Next to LEGO Castle, LEGO Space is definitely my favorite LEGO theme. There is just something about the theme that stirs my inner explorer, to "boldly go where no man has gone before". Exploration also has a dark side to it the fear of the unknown, just the smallest mistake could quickly turn into one's untimely death. 6kyubi6 has done a couple of nice things in this stellar build (no pun intended) to bring the feeling of impending doom to the forefront by presenting us with some unanswered questions. What happened to the red shirted explorer? Where is the rest of his crew? Why was his body left to rot? Why did he wear the token bad-luck red shirt?

Educated Pew Pew

I'm not a huge gun fan, nor have I ever played Titanfall, but this Smart Pistol MK5 by Nick Brick caught my eye. I don't know how accurate it is, there seems to be a bit of a lack of reference images, but I think that's even more impressive if a good percentage of this is extrapolated. And you all know I can't resist a good LEGO Prop.

UPDATE: Nick Brick assures me that it's accurate. He also pointed out that the game isn't out yet (so I have a great excuse for not having played it yet)

Titanfall Smart Pistol MK5