The Gun Club

In the 1865 novel by Jules Vern, From the Earth to the Moon, three gun fanatics plot the feasibility of being shot to the moon from a massive cannon. Not the brightest idea I suppose, but their meeting does provide a great set piece for Pippo Zane's latest build, The Gun Club. The creation itself is just bristling with details of a mid-1800s library/smoking room that is one far cry from the NASA command center of today.


Go Go Gadget MOC!

When Inspector Gadget was reaching the peak of his popularity I'm afraid I was a bit old for cartoons (if that's really possible). What's funny is when I see him what pops into my head is Doug E Fresh. But now I want to flip the whole thing on it's head and when I hear Doug E Fresh I'll think of this outstanding MOC by Orion Pax. Check out his website for a full gallery.

Inspector Gadget

"I Ain't No Mack, I'm A Peterbilt!"

Bricksonwheels is by far one of the best vehicle builders out there and never fails to please with his various trucks and motorcycles. His latest Peterbilt 362 is one amazing blast from the 80s that fits right in with the best of his creations. Look closely and you'll notice well thought-out details like the door handles, mud flaps and foot steps.

Peterbilt 362 Hay Truck (Lego 1:22)


There have been quite a few renditions of WALL•E in LEGO, many by some of my favorite builders. I think it's a testament to the excellent design and endearing qualities of a perfectly designed Pixar character. This version by Legonardo Davidy is pretty amazing, especially the SNOT work on his chest. Factor in that it was done in eight hours and, well, that's just stunning.


Play Some Run-D.M.C!

Little known fact: I was a breakdancer. Yes, it's probably hard to imagine me poppin' and lockin', but it's true. I was even briefly in a dance crew and we weren't half bad, even won free pizza at Showbiz Pizza Place, but I digress. This MOC by oLaF LM certainly brings back some memories, I can practically hear Twilight 22 blasting out of this thing. Now where's my parachute pants...?



Soul Caliber was probably my favorite game on the Dreamcast (oh, how we miss you Dreamcast). Many many happy hours were spent pummeling opponents in that game. One of the stand out characters was Ivy, not only for her amazing segmented whip sword, but of course for her costume and her figure (yes, totally silly, and clearly designed by a man). But she could certainly deliver some punishment. This Iron Builder inspired rendition by Pepa Quin is instantly recognizable.

Ivy Valentine

Smoke, Wings And Escape

Mark of Falworth brings us this excellent MOC with a twist. If you look closely you'll see the entire thing rests on a footprint of 8x8 studs, which is one of the categories of the Classic Castle Global Challenge VI. It's also part of a bigger story which I actually don't know anything about, but from what I gather after reading the description it's an epic tale.

(LCC) From Doom to Victory!

Serpentine Hall

Within the LEGO community we tend to glorify new part usage but not always unique MOCs that fall outside of the normal LEGO themes of space, castle, city, Star Wars, etc. Builder robuko has succeeded in both NPU and building outside the box with his latest creation, Serpentine Hall. While technically a castle build for the ongoing Eurobricks Guilds of Historica building challenge this structure transcends the classic castle theme and really puts it into a class of its own.

Serpentine Hall


The people behind the book LEGO Space: Building The Future continue to amaze and please us with enticing little shots that didn't make the cut. I was privileged enough to experiment with photographing some of the fabulous MOCs in this book, and I truly wish I could have been there for all the shoots. If you don't have this book yet you're missing out.

Extraction, take 1
LEGO Space: Building the Future
By Peter Reid, Tim Goddard
Buy on Amazon