Firestorm Heavy Interceptor

I love this little space ship. From the symmetrical design to the meaty, over-sized engines, the details are perfection. With enough neon to make the 1980s jealous, you'll see this little guy coming from miles away. But not to worry, what it lacks in size it makes up for in power. The Firestorm Heavy Interceptor can hold its own, packing enough heat to outfit a small squadron.


A Gun In Space

The USS Sulaco from the 1986 classic Aliens is one of my favorite all-time ships. Syd Mead's original design for the ship, while still cool, was a little bulbous and not very fitting for the Colonial Marines' bad ass persona. Then director James Cameron did a rough sketch of what's been called a "gun in space" and the rest is history. This MOC by Si-MOCs captures it's iconic shape perfectly in small form.


Goin' Live In 24 Hours, For 24 Hours

If you're like me your nerdiness extends beyond just the realm of bricks. If you're also into designer toys, art, vinyl and just toys in general, I'd like to introduce you to Toy Break (if you don't know about it already). Toy Break is a weekly web series hosted by Ayleen and George Gaspar. Tomorrow night they are broadcasting their yearly 24 hour live show, and I'm going to be there.

Join me at 5pm PST on Friday with Ayleen, George and a ton of artists and toy enthusiasts as we raise funds for Toy Break and just have a lot of fun.


In The House Of Tom Bombadil

I'm a fan of Lord Of The Rings. And while many fans took some offense or were at least disappointed when Tom Bombadil didn't make the cut in Peter Jackson's epic trilogy I have to admit I didn't care. It's always struck me as sort of superfluous and odd part of the book. But perhaps if I had seen this charming MOC by Sergeant Chipmunk I would have had a clearer picture in my head. Then again, there's those songs...

In the House of Tom Bombadil