Lightspeed To Endor!


I've been missing Disneyland. You all know I'm a fan and frequent flyer, but we're taking a hiatus (passes expired and we're waiting to renew) so I haven't been in a few months. So in addition to listening to park music and ride-throughs, I'm perusing Disney MOCs. And this StarSpeeder 3000 by Sir Nadroj is one of my all-time faves. Clean lines, clever construction and perfect attention to detail. It just doesn't get much better than this.

Feel The Power

There's a distinct beauty to simple, real-world structures. Not a classic architectural beauty, usually not aesthetic beauty, but more of a rugged utilitarian beauty of form following function. This small power station and office by LegoJalex is just sort a structure. No apologies, no flash, no grandeur, just built for purpose. Yet, it's got just enough panache, just enough style to make it simply appealing.

Small Power Plant and Office
Small Power Plant and Office

Portal To The Moon

I have a confession, I haven't played Portal. It's not that I have anything against it, I just don't have an X-Box that's not buried in Flaming Hot Cheetos wrappers in one of my boys' rooms. I watched my son play a bit though, and I have the soundtrack, does that count? (nerd cred -2, damn). Lego Junkie drops the mic with this, his 14th and final MOC for Iron Builder, and it's awesome.

Portal the Moon!
Portal the Moon!
Portal the Moon!

Red And Lord Helix

Twitch Plays Pokemon is one of those social experiments that seems to bring a great many people pleasure, with seemingly next to no benefits to society. But you can't get that many people in one place interacting without some spark of inspiration or restoration of faith in humanity. And anything that sparks creativity can't be bad. Besides, it inspired this MOC by Âtin, so it's all good.

Red and Lord Helix, A Portrait

The Grand Joust of Gisellirburg

Mark of Falworth and his real-life brother, "Brother" Steven dropped an excellent medieval joust creation on us late last night. The Grand Joust is taken from the last part of their first book in their new series, The Anselm Saga. This build features a lot of what I like to see in a castle MOC, lots of small details, character, visual depth and a good use of color. I expect we will see many more MOCs from their book series in the coming months so stay tuned and check back often.

The Grand Joust of Gisellicburg

The Flying Piranha And Imperial Fort

No this isn't an official set, but it has the feel of one, and it's intentional. Legonardo Davidy and Cara have combined efforts for the Eurobricks Pirate Teamwork Contest and the results are stunning. The design of both the ship and the fort are brilliant, with wonderful play features and detail rivaling that of real LEGO designers. There's tons of pictures of both these models and some great making of shots, click through to explore.