Vocaloid Bricks

I'm a drummer. Well, I guess I need to elaborate on that. I have a Roland electronic drum set, and I make noise with it on occasion. It's actually been a while, but I'm seriously considering moving it to my new studio where I can rock out with my headphones on. So the first thing that I noticed from this awesome MOC and pic by MikeVD was the drum set. But the whole thing just rocks.

The Vocaloid

Someone Was In The Pod...

You all know what a huge Star Wars original trilogy nerd I am. So how could I resist this totally sweet MOC by -derjoe-? Although it is inspired by a scene that was unnecessarily mucked with for the special edition. Why adding eight more guys and a clumsy walking dewback was supposed to make it better is beyond me. Speaking of dewbacks, check out this baby, built from 1400 olive green plates. This is from the book Build Your Own Galaxy, which I've not seen yet but clearly need to.


The Throne Of Thranduil

Let's face it, elves can be jerks. And one of the biggest, jerkiest elves is Thranduil (not that I'm 100% on the dwarves side, they can be jerks too). But what he lacks in tact, compassion and like-ability he makes up for in panache and style (except maybe that stupid crown). Flick user lisqr certainly has panache and style as well, and this MOC shows it.

Thranduil's Throne

Beautiful Plumage

I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.

Oh yes, the uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's uh...What's wrong with it?

I'll tell you what's wrong with it my lad, he's dead, that's what's wrong with it!

No, no, he's uh...he's Bionicle.

Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

No no he's not dead, he's, he's LEGO! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, isn't, ay? Beautiful plumage!

With all due respect to Monty Python and Rhymes_Shelter

Kneel Before Your Master!

He-Man arrived on the scene just a tad too late for me. When the series premiered I was just about to go into high school (oh gawd, I'm so old). And the movie never happened, got it? It just never happened, move on, nothing to see here. But I don't care if I ever watched it or not, this is a badass rendition of Skeletor. Powerpig strikes again.

You Blundering Fool!

Golden Ratio Calipers

I would not have thought this possible, or at least I would not have thought to attempt this. But Amida Na did and I'm so happy for it. If you do not know, the golden ratio is both a mathematical and aesthetic ratio of about 1.618 to 1. Look at your fingers, each digit is about 1.618 of the next. Artists have been using calipers like this for ages, and now LEGO builders can too.

AP 35-T Cargo Lifter

Say you had to maneuver a 40,000 pound cargo container of cat litter, and while you were at it, 17 cases of vienna sausages, 9 cylinders of helium and a couple 50 gallon drums of lubricant (what can I say, it's gonna be a wild party). Normally you'd have a hard time with this, but not of you have access to a AP 35-T! Lego Junkie brings us this heavy lifting wonder (speaking of wonder, didn't that guy just do Iron Builder, sheesh) More pics and a full back story on MocPages.

AP 35-T Cargo Lifter.


I have wanted a Toyota FJ ever since I first saw one. There's something so appealing about it's retro look, beefy proportions and utilitarian philosophy. My personal choice would be for khaki with a white top (if anyone from Toyota wants to send me one), but yellow is cool. This version by Peteris Sprogis is remarkable. The contouring and blending is perfect, and from a thumbnail, you'd swear you were just looking at a photo of a real FJ.

Toyota FJ Cruiser
Toyota FJ Cruiser

Silver Bolt

Presentation is key when it comes to getting your MOC noticed. I've seen amazing MOCs with terrible photographs fall to the wayside. I've also seen somewhat humdrum MOCs with spectacular photography or photo editing get universally praised. This MOC by lisqr however, is the total package. Excellent build, stunning display and clean photography. The vehicle is really cool, but I have to say, it's the base that caught my eye, awesome.

Silver Bolt