Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Batman!

KAPOW! Check out this awesome Batmobile Cuusoo project of the classic 60's Batman. I can't decide what I love the most about this, that it's classic Adam West campiness, the design itself or the fact that it all started with a dad building a Batmobile for his daughter so Robin could ride along too. Regardless I want one, and if you want one too let's all support this project and make it a reality!

I Am Iron Man!

Iron Man has always been my favorite super hero. I didn't read many comics as a kid, but when I did, it was Spiderman or Iron Man. And of course the movies are outstanding (the first is still my favorite, but I always prefer the genesis stories). This rendition of the mark VII armor by mmccooey makes my geek heart soar.

(update, turns out this came out some time ago, but I missed it. It's been reposted with some Photoshop loving'. It still kicks ass)


Captain America Vs The Red Skull

Kaboom! Wasn't expecting that were you? The Cap makes his own door in this cool little diorama by Julius No. I love captured action, especially in photos (in real life it's always cool, but a little weird) and the this wall-busting action is excellent. And check out that custom Red Skull figure, nice!


Defending The City

I'm not sure of the details on this MOC, I think it's a collaborative build but there's no description. I am sure it's friggin' awesome though. It's an epic battle with multiple fights involving several super heroes. There's tons going on here so you'll have to click through and check out some of the closeups. My favorite details are the "o" from the hotel smashing the car and the street damage where Superman is having the smack down put on him (I'm sure he'll win in the end)