
So what do you do when you discover your battlefield trucks are sinking in mud and getting stuck? Simple, you add tank tracks to the back. This MOC by BeLgIuM ww2 bUiLdeR is an Opal truck with Maultier (mule) conversion. When I was a kid, we loved playing with little green army men. I can remember many protracted arguments over who got the half-track. There was just something so cool about a truck combined with a tank.

The Monkey King

I love it when I'm scrolling through my Flickr feed and a MOC comes up that just makes me inhale exaggeratedly with raised brows and bulging eyes (did I sufficiently paint that picture?) This one just did that. From builder The Deathly Halliwell comes the Monkey King, and it's a total work of art. There's so many things I love about this I don't know where to start, so I'll just continue to stare and invite you to do the same.

The Monkey King

Watchtower Of Gragoloon

It takes care and skill to pack this much detail in a footprint this size. Many builders confuse detail as "more stuff" and that's simply not the case. Everything should have purpose and serve the MOC. This diorama by Cesbrick strikes an excellent balance between foliage, structures and equipment to make it super detailed, but not unnecessarily "busy".


Tintin Land Of Black Gold

Like most Americans, Tintin was virtually unknown to me until the Spielberg/Jackson film came out in 2011. I had seen images from time to time, but the books were scarce here and he had no following. But we're truly in the minority, and TinTin has a loyal following in the rest of the world (sorta like the soccer of comic characters). Builder Brickbaron is a fan though, and decided to celebrate his devotion with a interpretation of the cover for Land of Black Gold. The results speak for themselves.

Lego Tintin Land of Black Gold

A Trio Of Tanks

I think I know why I don't post military MOCs very often. I know that accuracy is a huge factor with the military crowd, and not being very knowledgeable with the hardware, I have no idea what's good and what needs work. So I think I'm just going to say these tanks by ✠Andreas look really cool, and as far as I know, they're totally accurate. What I do know is they're built really well.

Three makes a Group

City Of Flames

The visual language of builder mihaimariusmihu is as compelling as it is haunting. His latest offering of Emperor Nero echoes the story of the great fire of Rome and the controversial Emperor. The use of all black was a risky choice, but it has paid off here. I'm certain this was a chore to photograph. I love the flow of the flames and the structures on the head. I really want to see this in person.

Civitatem et Flammas (Emperor Nero)