American Ninja Warrior

We don't watch much sports at our house (is American Ninja Warrior a sport?) but we do watch this from time to time. And when you combine it with stop motion animation and LEGO, well, that's a winner in our book. Find out what happens when the Ninjago team faces the course. The animation in this is pretty amazing, and the build is fantastic. I don't know who to credit for it, but it's excellent work.

The Batman

The centerpiece of Tim Lydy's Forms of Gotham collection, Bruce Wayne's alter ego, the crimefighting legend, Batman. Like the other figures in the collection, Bats stands on a base representative of his place in Gotham lore, namely where his fate was sealed, crime alley. This is where young Bruce witnessed the murder of his parents, and was changed forever.

The Batman
Cowl, Close Up

Review - Classic Knights Minifigure

Review - Classic Knights Minifigure

For the past few years the LEGO Group has released LEGO VIP exclusive sets available at LEGO stores or at their online shop for free to customers who spend a certain predefined amount. The past two sets have included modern takes on the classic Space and Pirate themes including the Classic Spaceman Minifigure and Classic Pirate Minifigure sets respectively. This year's set fits into the classic Castle theme and is aptly named Classic Knights Minifigure.

The Castle theme has been an evergreen series for LEGO ever since the original castle set was released back in 1978...

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The Perfect Couple

According to research one of the things that makes a perfect couple is common goals and mutual admiration. What could be more descriptive than The Joker and Harley Quinn? They both share the common goal of bringing down the Bat, and each is infatuated with the other. Sure they're raving psychopaths, but that's beside the point. Two more of Tim Lydy's brilliant Forms of Gotham collection, and an inspiration to couples everywhere.

The Joker
Harley Quinn

Operations Room

A lot of you may not know I have a second childhood toy fascination, GIjOE. When I was a kid I had 12" Joes, and now that I'm an adult I have well over 100. So this 1/6 scale interior by {YVD} resonates with me on a deep level, bringing together my love of LEGO and action figures. I love the retro feel of it, from the control panels to the modern chair, it feels right out of the late 60's.

Operations Room

Tall Tower, Tall Trees

The LEGO Castle building community often gets accused of having too little innovation and lots of repetition, but builds like 'Sergeant Chipmunk''s Stonecreek Forest make me think otherwise. The most unique part of this build is, of course, the fantastic wall technique, using what looks like stacked 1x1 round tiles - looks great, but I can't imagine it would hold up well in a fight.

Stonecreek Forest


I'm afraid I've never watched a single broadcasted moment of the Smurfs, nor did I see the movies (in fact, I had to Google whether or not there was a sequel to the first one) but I do recognize some of the characters. I also recognize mad building skills, and Builder LEGO 7 totally nailed this rendition of Gargamel. What he has against little blue dudes eludes me though.


Classic Space Grand Carousel

Now this is how to reimagine. Builder justin_m_winn took an incomplete 10196 Grand Carousel and turned it into this classic space masterpiece. The re-theming is brilliant, with different ride vehicles, classic space color scheme and even custom printed canopies. I like to imagine it's playing some cool retro futuristic music with plenty of "pew pew" sound effects.

10196 Grand Carousel - Classic Space Redux

Don't Tap the Glass, They Hate it When You Do That

Talk about a crazy (in a good way) build to see this afternoon!  Djorde has built one of my favorite funky builds that I've seen in quite some time.  I'm sure there are many fish-related jokes that one could make about this creation, especially with the recent release of Finding Dory, but I'm not going to dive too deep to think of some.  (Get it?)  Just keep swimming, Djorde!  Okay, I'll stop now.


Nathaniel Stoner

     My name is Nathaniel Stoner, and I am an very active LEGO builder.  I mostly build in the themes of castle and science-fiction, but I also dabble in other genres and create occasional random MOC's (My Own Creations). 

     When I was younger, I would get and build small LEGO sets for my birthday, but I was never really into them.  When they fell apart, I would become frustrated attempting to put them back together and would throw them in a box in my closet.  I couldn't stand them!

     Then, miraculously, I became addicted to the LEGO brick later in my teen years.  Ever since, I have continued to build up (pun intended) my collection of bricks and to expand my knowledge of techniques and building skills.  LEGO is truly more than a toy, its an art form and a way to express yourself.

     For the most part, I collect LEGO Star Wars (mainly the minifigs), which is probably my favorite LEGO theme.  I have a fairly decent collection, including some of the original 1999 sets, such as the Snowspeeder, X-Wing, and Naboo starfighter.  I also collected LEGO the Lord of the Rings when those sets first came out.  The minifigs are great, and the story remains one of my favorites ever. 

     My hope is to inspire other young (and perhaps even older) LEGO builders to unleash their inner creativity!  You can find me on my Flikr here

Heart of Plastic

Tim Lydy's Forms of Gotham series has been getting a lot of coverage here on BrickNerd lately, but I can't help drawing attention to his most recent model: Mr. Freeze. Victor Fries has always been one of my favorite members of Batman's rogues gallery, both in character content and appearance - I love his eerie representation in the Arkham video game series, which this model seems to take inspiration from. The model has a lot of dark colors, so I recommend checking Lydy's stream to more views of this great model.

Mr. Freeze

JMC Starbug

Red Dwarf fans will get a charge out of this build!  And for the rest of us, we'll be seeing something pretty unique.  It's been a five year project by Patrick Gregory.  To me it's more of a sculpture than the typical sci-fi model.  But it's got a fully loaded interior, complete with all the characters I don't recognize.  That's what being a true fan is all about!  I know, I'm a BSG fan.  Awesome build here, Dude!

JMC Starbug

We're All Mad Here

I have to confess that even as big a Batman fan as I am, I've never heard of Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter. Builder Tim Lydy admits that he's "just outside of the main circle of arch-bat-foes". Since I'm not much of a comic reader, I can see why I've missed him, but now I think I need to go back and do a little catch-up, this guy's got some panache. Part of Tim's brilliant Forms of Gotham collection.

The Mad Hatter

Teeny Tiny Harley

The level of detail in this tiny MOC by Grantmasters is pretty staggering. So much so you almost have to look twice to figure out what you're looking at. The profile bricks are an instant giveaway of the scale, but your brain just can't accept it. Harley has always been a bit irresistible (well, at least for a psychopath) but this version is at squee levels.

Dr Quinn Prepares the Medicine

Spacebase, Spacebase, SPACEBASE!

We featured these outstanding neo classic spaceships as builder ZCerberus was unveiling them last week, now comes the final grand presentation. Check out this massive and totally awesome landing platform base! From the subtle details and rock work to the cool lighting effects this is fitting way to display all these sweet ships.

Spacebase, Spacebase, SPACEBASE!

Gotham Theater Showdown

One of the things I look forward to at BrickCon every year (at least every year I get to go) is seeing Brickbaron's over-the-top MOCs in person. It seems every one of his creations out does the last, and the stakes just continue to grow. This latest Batman inspired MOC is jaw-dropping in every aspect. The bold, bright colors and clean lines make this look like an illustration from a distance, leaping right off the page of a comic book. But the architecture is the unsung hero of this MOC, just check out that art deco theater, it's gorgeous. I could prattle on and on, but pictures speak louder than words (and there's more pictures if you click through).

LEGO Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown
LEGO Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown
LEGO Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown