Who You Gonna Call?
/The Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary project has Achieved 10K supporters and is now in review by LEGO. Fingers crossed Ghostbusters fans, this is a very cool idea. I want a Luis Tully figure though.
The Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary project has Achieved 10K supporters and is now in review by LEGO. Fingers crossed Ghostbusters fans, this is a very cool idea. I want a Luis Tully figure though.
There are few things in the automotive world more stirring and lovely than vintage race cars. And one brick-built with skill and photographed really well is just and pulse-pounding. Check out this Ferrari by Bob Alexander. I just want to reach in the screen and vrooom it all over the floor.
The 70's saw the rise of the "blockbuster", with films like Star Wars, Close Encounters and this little film about a shark I'm sure none of you have heard of. Lucifer Adams does the poster justice with this brilliant little build. Check out the use of the clear panels to suspend 1x1 round tiles and simulate water, excellent.
Having not played Fallout I'm a bit lost as far as what's going on here. But I don't have to have the game experience to see I missed something else big and brilliant at Brickfair and Brickfete. This is a collaborative build between Si-Mocs and NightHawk, and a powerful duo they make. I think my favorite detail is the Airstream trailer, but I'm a sucker for those.
TBB's own Nannan Zhang rarely fails to delight, and delight he does with this Samurai Jack inspired MOC. The use of the spiral discs is truly inspired, and take a closer look at Jack, his lower half is brick built and the pose is excellent. But why am I going on about this, Nannan posted a video too.
No, I'm not being cheeky with that title, that's how David Leest describes this MOC. There's a stark simplicity yet organic richness to this, very compelling. David says he'd like to build a bigger one some day. I'd say it would be right at home in MOMO. Nice work.
As I rub the sleep from my eyes and sip my PG Tips this morning I'm pleased to see a really cool robot on Flickr. Then another...and ANOTHER. Three robots, three artists, three winners. Rather than post three in a row, I'm mashing them all together in one epic, robotriffic post. I hope you're sitting down kids (I am).
First up is Spr1nt3r. Thirdeye88 describes this as a "doodle" that got more serious. The flexibility and color scheme on this MOC caught my eye. It's just itching to be posed.
Next up is NHI MPHS-NFA-05E (uh, what?) from - NHI -. The proportions and those giant hands make this MOC stand out. It's got some really interesting connections and details too.
Last up, and my personal favorite, is Tubby by m_o_n_k_e_y. Mostly because I think this is probably what I would look like in robotic form.
Back before it was cool to put time machines in Deloreans and police call boxes, H. G. Wells showed us how it was done. And Pete Reid shows us how it's done in LEGO. Incidently, in a total time paradox this photo was taken by a Canon Powershot in 1895. Clearly this thing works.
This is some serious Star Warsy mashupness. Flickr user markus19840420 has combined all the intercut scenes in the final battle of ROTJ into a single MOC. One might have thought this impossible, but here it is. Luke is in the throne room, the Falcon is narrowly escaping the explosion as the Ewoks kick some butt.
I'm a Nintendo nerd, you all know that. So I'm having a hard time keeping my composure here at Starbucks (to avoid spooking the old ladies again). I'm sure all the caffeine isn't helping. This collections of MOCs just blew my mind. Not only is it a pretty spiffy MOC of a N64, controller and carts, but they TRANSFORM! Holy crap!
One again I lose one HP nerd cred by not knowing who this is. A quick Google search reveals she's a railgun and has a fear of bugs (?). All I know is this is a sweet MOC. Nice work Mike Dung.
Me either, I don't speak French. But I'm sure they would be impressed with this superb MOC by Adam Meyers. I love stacked plate mosaics, the subtle gradations possible are excellent. If you squint you'd swear this is just a processed photograph.
I won't be there, but if you're in the bay area come check out the MOCs and LEGO nerds at Bricks By The Bay. The exhibition is Sunday, Aug 11 from 10am-4pm at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara.
This seems custom built for BrickCon's theme this year "Pigs vs Cows", but it's actually for Mr. Xenomurphy's super hero contest. Although I trust we'll get to see it in person in Seattle this October, right Dave? Right?
Mike & Sulley! I never had a monster under my bed as a youth, unless you count my little brother. You see I slept in the upper bunk, so I didn't worry much about what was under me, unless he was kicking my mattress trying to get my attention. I do recall my brother being deeply disturbed by my Revell Monsters model kits though, so there was some fear in the room.
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