Holy Swinging Blade Of Death Batman!

I do believe that if I found myself a billionaire vigilante, with a penchant for gadgets and black everything (and sometimes very dark gray), I don't think I'd be too keen to have a spastic teenage sidekick. I know there's plenty of Robin fans out there, but builder captain smog is clearly not one of them.

Evil contraption
Don't disturb my break
Evil mastermind in action

Star Wars #1

You all know what a Star Wars geek I am. So when I was invited to contribute to the Comic Bricks art show at DesignerCon 2014 there wasn't a any question what comic I'd use. It was instantaneous and unwavering, Star Wars #1. This was my favorite comic as a kid, I literally wore it out thumbing through it continually until it finally fell apart. Now I have it again in brick form (that is unless someone buys it this weekend)

Star Wars #1

UPDATE: Somebody bought it, I have mixed feeling about it. Always great to get affirmation, and someone purchasing your art is high praise indeed, but I didn't get a chance to get sick of looking at it. I never even got a chance to show it to my wife in person, she only saw pics. The good news is if I really miss it, I can build another (just as soon as I restock 1x1 orange plate!)

Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?

Orion Pax is back with one of my all time favorite movie cars, the '89 Batmobile. I consider myself lucky, when Batman came out back then I was super busy at work, so it was a couple weeks before I could see it. In that time all my friends were bashing on it so I went in with really low expectations. I loved it! And I loved this car, and I'm happy to say this version does it justice. Check out the full gallery here.

89 Batmobile LED scale

Scarecrow & Batman

On Halloween we all face our fears, even Batman. Of all the evil villains of Gotham, Scarecrow has to be one of the scariest. Let's face it, Penguin isn't scary, and Poison Ivy is just, well, you know. But Scarecrow...*shudder*. This version by vitreolum strikes all the right notes. And just check out his awesome Batman, it's a one-two character punch!

Welcome to my world, Batman!

Update: Through the magic of photoshop here's Batman in black, I dig it!

Batman - Black Edition

Holy Amazing Reproductions Batman!

This here is a trifecta of total awesome. Builder and illustrator polywen has assembled a side by side by side of his reproductions of classic issue #27 of Detective Comics, the premier of Batman. In the middle is his inspiration, the original cover from 1939. On the right is his excellent LEGO minifig illustration. And on the left is his mind-blowing MOC for the Comic Bricks art show for DesignerCon 2014.


Comic Bricks Coming To Designer Con

Some of the nerdiest and coolest LEGO artists are banding together to bring a unique art display to Designer Con 2014, Comic Bricks! One-of-a-kind MOCs inspired by classic and contemporary comic book covers like this totally awesome HULK cover by Monsterbrick. I've signed on to create one (this was before I started working 12 hour days, 6 day weeks on a film) and I really wish I could get to my studio to start building. Designer Con will be in Pasadena Nov 8-9 and will also have a full STUDS display as in years past. Please join us!

I remember when comics were 30 cents


I find it fascinating seeing characters before seeing the movie. Until you see them in action and get to know them in the context of a story, they're strangers. Take Baymax here from Disney's Big Hero 6, in just a few short weeks we can look back on this post and it will feel completely different since he'll then be known to us, a friend. Nice build Cole.

LEGO Baymax (Disney Big Hero 6)

Tintin Land Of Black Gold

Like most Americans, Tintin was virtually unknown to me until the Spielberg/Jackson film came out in 2011. I had seen images from time to time, but the books were scarce here and he had no following. But we're truly in the minority, and TinTin has a loyal following in the rest of the world (sorta like the soccer of comic characters). Builder Brickbaron is a fan though, and decided to celebrate his devotion with a interpretation of the cover for Land of Black Gold. The results speak for themselves.

Lego Tintin Land of Black Gold

Level Eleven

If this is what level 11 looks like, I am not sure I want to see levels 1 through 10 much less 12 and beyond. I mean seriously, what is going on with the pulsating lumps of techno-worms and why are those people in green ooze tanks, guarded by creepy looking alien-things? Perhaps it is best to ask creator Bart De Dobbelaer or read the comic this is based on, Nemesis - Level11.

Leven Eleven