The Elephant Building

Craftsmanship seems to be all but forgotten these days. When a new building goes up it's generally pretty boring, and in no time at all very dated and falling apart. We just don't build like we used to, with care and pride. Unless we're talking about LEGO buildings of course. Sure there's the usual police stations and houses, but occasionally we get spoiled by something like this absolutely wonderful structure by Sheo. It's not only gorgeous on the outside, it's fully decorated and furnished inside. Click through for more pictures from all it's excellent levels.

Elephant Building

Pretty Sneaky Sis

I know I played Connect Four as a kid, but I don't remember owning it, so it must have been at a friends house. I vividly remember the commercial though, and that kid's tragic haircut. Builder jtheels is on a roll with these brilliant little doses of nostalgia. Makes me want to break out my plaid pants and play with GiJoe while eating a peanut butter and relish sandwich (the 70's weren't pretty)

LEGO Connect Four

Tea Please

I love tea. I start every day with a cup, I generally have another around 3pm. When it's hot I drink iced tea and when I'm ill it has magical healing properties (along with cinnamon toast). And while I don't store my tea in a box, because I use PG Tips which is unpackaged pyramid bags, or loose tea I store in special tins, I can appreciate a nice storage solution. This tea box by Galaktek would add a sheen of refinement to any tea service in my opinion.

Tea Box
Tea Box


As I stated a couple posts back, October is here, and not only does that mean all those things I stated in that post, it also means beer and pretzels. Yes, it's Oktoberfest time, that hailing of the coming of fall and, way back when, the marriage of Crown Price Ludwig. This excellent little vignette by Miro78 captures everything that everyone loves about the event in one charming 10x10 vignette. I love the little details like the mounted deer hear and the cuckoo clock.


The Dolmen

Feast your eyes upon this. When I came upon this stunning MOC by Xenomurphy in my Flickr feed it sort of hit me in waves. First I was looking at the thumbnail and thinking "wow, that's cool" then I viewed the image and went "wait a second, that's not..." then I zoomed in, my eyes bulged, I slowly leaned in and went "whaaaaaaaaaaaa". Seriously, stop reading this and click through and zoom.

The Elder Scrolls Online – The Dolmen 1

It's Getting Scary Around Here

October is here. That means pumpkin spice everything, BrickCon (which I'm not at, boo) and heaps of fun halloween MOCs. This piece by vitreolum is as much art as it is seasonal, and who doesn't enjoy a sexy witch? This style of building, which I'm going to dub "silhousaic" (sill-o-say-ic) has become more and more popular with builders, but vitreolum is setting a new bar recently.

Boo Bitchcraft

Astra Luminaria

This is one of those MOCs that makes you go "whaaaaaaaa?" This gorgeous and unconventional space ship by d2hiriyuu is as much art as it is fantastical science fiction. The geodesic construction alone is enough to boggle the mind and delight the eyes. But add to that the surrounding structure and internal illumination and you have one absolutely jaw-dropping piece of art.

Astra Luminaria

Thanks for the head's up Jader!

Ripley's Nightmare

Nothing like surviving a traumatic deep space event involving a murderous xenomorph then hypersleep for 57 years to mess up your sleep cycles huh? When Ripley finally made her way back to earth, she had a few issues to work through, not the least of which was the nightmares. This one in particular, expertly recreated by Grantmasters, would be enough to rattle anyone.

EVE Scorpion Battleship

And so the SHIPtember series of awesome builds continues... 

Pico van Grootveld has engineered this studio-quality model from the EVE online game.  Built on a double beam technic frame, Pico admits gravity was an issue for this 130X120X70, 22lb beast.  "Wouldn't want to be an ABS beam in there!"  No, I certainly would not...  Check out his photostream for close up shots and WIP pics. 

I asked him, as I often do,  if it's swooshable.   He says a swoosh video is in the works, so stay tuned!

EVE online's custom Scorpion battleship | SHIPtember 2015


It's weird how a lifetime of filmmaking has altered the way I look at the world. When I see a scene like this I'm not thinking "wow, cool use of (insert part here)" or "cool, a space MOC". I'm hearing the thrum of the space station, slowly trucking in as the crew enters the scene, listening to the french horns as they play a subtle scene intro sting and watching the visual effects of the energy coursing through the reactor core. Thanks for the spacy, cinematic moment Bricking It.

The Device That Stole My Childhood

When I look back on 1977 it's with fondness and awe. In that one pivotal and influential year we got the Commodore PET, CHiPs, Jimmy Carter, Atari 2600, Three's Company, Saturday Night Fever and of course Star Wars. And then there's this device. Prior to Electronic Football we were quite content to just go outside and throw dirt clods at each other. But that all changed, our thumbs grew new and interesting calluses and we never saw the sun again. Hey Gameboy, 3DS, PSP and all other handheld gaming devices, meet your grandfather. Nice build jtheels.

LEGO Electronic Football Aged

And the SHIPs come rolling in...

With only two days left in SHIPtember, we're starting to see completed SHIPs pull in to dock. Some of them, especially this beauty by LEGOLIZE IT MAN, are making the rest of us look like amateurs. This gorgeous battlecruiser utilizes some wonderful oddball color combinations, and really looks like it could dish out some serious punishment. If you haven't finished your own SHIP yet - get to it! There's only a day and a half left...



One of the most endearing things about the original trilogy, and ANH in particular was the scrappy, get-it-done attitude of all stages of production. The prop guys were particularly resourceful, turning flash handles into lightsabers and airplane parts into droids. The Gonk, perfectly recreated by builder breaksbricks72 here, was pretty much two bins, discarded electronics and some ducting, brilliant.


Teenage Jesus/Baby Doll

This is one of those pieces that you can easily miss because it's so well done you might just skip over it confusing it's thumbnail for just a photo. According to builder vitreolum it's the single most difficult MOC he's ever built, and I can believe it. Just compare it to the actual album cover and you can see what a labor of love this was.

Teenage Jesus / Baby Doll


Humans sure are a quirky bunch aren't they? It's hard to believe at one point it was totally normal to clad yourself in a head-to-toe metal skin and go beat the crap out of someone else similarly encased. And for extra mobility, you could deck out your horse in similar alloy derma so you could both set out Spam-clad and ready for battle. As odd a concept as it it, you can't deny they looked badass, like this shiny Bionicle MOC by nobu_tary, huzzah! 
