
This beautiful MOC by Pate-keetongu just might have the best sense of motion of any MOC I've ever seen. It seems to be a moment in time just as much as it is a lovely sculpture. She's got all the makings of a goddess of Endor, can't you just see ewoks worshiping her? The contoured forms, creative part use and pose all add up to a MOC that just begs to be admired, and admire it I do. 



You want to hear my fan theory that the Predator is actually a Sith? Too bad because I don't have such a silly theory. I do have a strong admiration for this latest build by Grantmasters though. I've always been a big fan of this amazing character brought to life by the late, great Stan Winston and his crew. It's one of the things that sealed my ambition to work in creature effects.

BrickNerd LiveBuild - Poe's X-Wing Fighter


I can't believe Star Wars The Force Awakens is almost here! We're counting the hours and what better way to kill some time and have some fun than to build? So we're building Poe's X-Wing Fighter live! Join me and James Morr at 10am PST. It's way more interesting than sitting in line (which is where you'll find me tomorrow!) 

Nautical Bedroom

I love this interior by Littlehaulic (and the rest of the house it's in). It's got so many little details and subtle techniques that it almost looks like just a photograph of a room and would be right at home in a Ralph Lauren catalog. I have to assume there's a TV on the fourth wall (the one we're looking "through") otherwise how are you going to watch Star Wars in bed?

Coastal Breeze 03
Coastal Breeze Beach House

Steven Universe

I won't pretend I know anything about Steven Universe, and a quick Google search looked like a deep rabbit hole I really didn't feel like going down this morning. What I do know is this is a first class character build by Ilia with tons of clever techniques and awesome modeling. And you know what else has a universe? The Star Wars universe, that's what. (yup, lamest attempt yet)

Dino Bones

When Threepio was lost on the dune sea of Tatooine he encountered one of these, the skeleton a Krayt Dragon. The Krayt is an indigenous species of Tatooine, feared for their large size and fierce temper. They feed mostly on bantha, whose slow speed and poor eyesight make them easy prey for the...what's that?...tyrana-wha? Oh....


Nice build -derjoe-

Tyrannosaurus Rex, T-Rex

Tick Tock

I'm having flashbacks to being a kid, and the agonizing wait until Christmas. Where time itself can be empirically observed to slow down, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. I am of course talking about the four day wait I have until Star Wars comes out. Perhaps if I had this wonderful clock by Legonardo Davidy the hands wouldn't mock me to the same level.



OK, here's the pitch: We reboot Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, but we set it on Hoth. A small astromech is mocked and outcast by the other astromechs for his shiny dome. He befriends a young Luke Skywalker wants to become a dentist (here depicted in a Brick Sketch by Powerpig) and they set out on an adventure. There they meet a cantankerous prospector, Han Solo, and flee from the abominable wampa...

The Dentist

Motion Capture

Over the past year or so, Joe Perez, aka MortalSwordsman, has been building small scale animals to capture their natural movement and energy doing what they do best.  From chasing down a gazelle in Kenya, to snatching a salmon from an Alaskan river, each one of these shots is right out of a nature film. 

Speaking of films, I'd like to see Joe's version of a Tauntaun running through the snow! 

Santa's Hotrod Sleigh

I have it under good authority that with the notable increased need for christmas requests for Star Wars gifts this year Santa has had to upgrade his sleigh to accommodate deliveries. This model by sm 01 was reconstructed from eye witness descriptions of test flights over the Norway. Best of luck Santa! (oh, and by the way, I'd like a remote controlled BB-8).

Santa's rod, LEGO RC MOC
Santa's rod, LEGO RC MOC

Got A Quarter?

This latest MOC by 6kyubi6 is a total flashback. Being a kid of the 80's I "invested" plenty of quarters in arcades. I especially like the use of the foil handles as air hockey paddles. And those stickers? Totally legit. They're the printing bleed on an official sticker sheet, the overprinting around stickers cut to shape, genius. The only thing that's missing is a classic Star Wars vector game, my all-time favorite.

Lets play arcades!

Professor Layton

This brilliant MOC of Professor Layton by Pistash has a puzzle for you...

Following the destruction of the Death Star, rebel leaders tried to determine who deserved medals. Below is a summary of their statements:

Red Eleven:  it wasn't Han Solo
         it was Gold Three

Gold Three:   it wasn't Red Five
         it wasn't Han Solo

Red Five: it was Han Solo
         it wasn't Red Eleven

Red Two:   it was Red Five
         it was Gold Three

Han Solo:  it was Red Two
         it wasn't Red Eleven

It was well known that each pilot was humble and told exactly one lie. Can you determine who destroyed the Death Star?

Professor Hershel Layton