Dodge Tomahawk

So. Much. Shiny. The Dodge Tomahawk may have never gotten past the concept phase, but you have to admit, she was a beauty. It was a radical design, that some would argue wasn’t really a motorcycle because it actually had four wheels, but I think it was through and through. This version by ianying616 has all the attitude of the real thing, and a heck of a lot of super shiny parts (my spirit animal is clearly a raccoon).

Imperial Star Destroyer

I just had a nerdgasm in my kitchen, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’m just sitting here drinking my tea and sacrificing a good half of my biscuits to my dumb corgis when I scrolled past this gorgeous Star Destroyer by one case. I wish I had video of my reaction, but it went sort of like this: Scroll scroll scroll, nothing nothing nothing, “hmm, how am I going to post if there’s nothing…” (sharp intake of breath). I stare a moment, “ is this real? Is this a render? (click for a closer look, click again for an even closer look). My eyebrows slowly raise as my mouth opens, I put down the biscuit I’m no longer eating. “Holy crap”. It’s kind of a scaled down reaction of 9 year old me at the movies, a sort of a tingly all over feeling of joy. It made my morning, hope it makes yours too.


I’ll set the scene for you: The wind is still howling, the worst of the storm as passed but it’s not quite over. The station is in ruins, all around you is destruction. Seven months of work, all gone. You and a handful of Alpha Centauri engineers are huddled in the “panic pod”, the E26 Crew Emergency Shelter. While there’s enough M5 ration packs to last a week, your future is uncertain, and this is on everyone’s mind as you all stoically look at each other. The lights flicker in the pod, and everyone instinctively looks at the fuel cell monitor, the LCD is cracked, but it still functions, it flashes a grim message…”Vapor barrier compromised, safety protocol initiated”. You all know what that means, less than 12 hours of heat and light, this pod just became a coffin. As you all wrap your head around this heartbreaking reality you hear a muffled, rhythmic pounding. As you cautiously peer out of the single view of the world around you, a small round window with scratched 4 inch sapphire glass, the sound becomes louder. In the distance, obscured by flying dust and debris, a shape emerges from the haze. A large, bipedal figure looms ominously, but instead of fear or dread, you can barely contain your joy. “It’s Lenny!” you exclaim as the other crew members shout out in excitement, you are saved.

The Perfect Hiding Place

The wait for the third season of Stranger Things has been excruciating, but hopefully it’s because it’s ambitious and as well developed as the first two. Builder Norton74 is anxiously waiting too, and has opted to occupy himself with some Hawkins inspired builds. The latest is where Sheriff Hopper hid Eleven from the government, his old family cabin in the woods.

Muppet Show Veterinarian's Lab

I love the Muppets, in fact, I was just thinking a few minutes ago about watching The Muppet Movie today. So imagine my surprise and delight when this awesome MOC by grubaluk appeared in my Flickr feed. Not only does it have two of my favorite Muppets, Beaker and Sweetums (no really, look out the window) it’s got some amazing character work and additional motorized features that I’m dying to see, but video features are not available on Flickr right now (grrr).


A wise man once said: “There's a reason you separate the military and the police. One fights the enemy of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.” But I say: “Sometimes people act like idiots!” That’s why we need police support units like this bad-boy, the KA-8 by Red Spacecat. Throwing rocks, burning tires; it’s simply ridiculous for our officers in blue to have to deal with things like that. It’s not their fault someone forgot the honey barbecue sauce with the McNuggets.

Clear Bay 327, We Are Opening The Magnetic Field

I am absolutely adoring this series by did b, with the Millennium Falcon in all of it’s different environments, and I think this one is my favorite yet. Such an iconic image from the greatest movie of all time, instantly recognizable and gives me a full body squee. My one question is “you came in that thing?" You’re braver than I thought.

Why So Serious?

Seeing this excellent set of Batman busts by Build Better Bricks reminds me that it’s been far too long since I’ve seen The Dark Knight. It’s been argued that Heath Ledger portrayed the best Joker ever to explode on the big screen, and not just because he blew everything up. And while Christian Bale makes me giggle every time he does his scary Batman voice, he did a pretty good job with the role. I think it’s time to break out the blu-ray.

Jedi Starfighter

There’s a few prerequisites for what has become UCS (Ultimate Collector Series): It has to be big, it has to be detailed, and it has to be beautiful. This Jedi Starfighter from builder thire5 ticks all the boxes. I mean, just look at that cockpit interior, this thing is awesome. While I’m not a fan of the prequels I do like some of the ship designs, and this is one of them. You can see visual ties to what became later ship designs, like Darth Vader’s TIE, it’s actually pretty brilliant. Although, I do wonder what the heck happens to the bottom of the astromech.

Mount Rushmore

I don’t know if it’s un-American to have never visited Mount Rushmore, but I’ve never been. I wholeheartedly think it’s an achievement of artistry and engineering though, and would one day maybe like to see it in person. This version by builder Rocco Buttliere is a pretty stunning achievement as well, and features not only the iconic presidential sculpture, but also the surrounding terrain and visitor center. And as huge as this creation is, it’s technically micro scale, that’s how grand a project this was, both in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and in bricks.


I don’t know who this lovely young lass from Eero Okkonen is, I know I could learn more on his website but time is short this morning. I can assure you this, she would mop the floor with me, I mean absolutely and totally demolish me. While I was going “oh” and “ah” at her nifty axe she would simply dispatch me and move on, you have to respect that.

The Lost Subway Commercial

This is a weird one. Apparently back in the 90’s a small central Pennsylvania Subway franchise ran some ads of questionable religious overtones and quality. They only ran locally, and seem to have been lost to time. Builder Julius von Brunk is on a quest to hunt them down, and has created this equally odd MOC to perhaps jar some memories. How about it, do you remember this commercial? Leave a comment below.

Bad Robot!

“How many times have I told you not to scuff up these floors with your traction plates! We just had them installed!” Although I’m a big fan of edited photos, where a mech such as this might be tromping through some inhospitable alien environment, I decided to go with this shot, with a grown woman for scale. Yeah, that’s right, it probably weighs more than she does. Iomedes!… has really outdone himself with his Zorin class heavy bot “Butch Bunny” inspired by Walking War Robots video game. Check out the other high-res pics in his photostream to see the phenomenal details. There’s one with minfigs for scale, too, but I prefer this one.

A Wretched Hive Of Scum And Villainy

I’m really digging this series of Millennium Falcon MOCs by builder DID&THEBRICKS, all micro, all from my favorite movies, all perfect. This one is from Mos Eisley Spaceport, that despite being a wretched hive of scum and villainy is one of my favorite environments in the Star Wars universe (well, not the special edition version). This is where we meet Han, Chewie and the faster hunk of junk in the galaxy.


They call him the Gunsect. He’s the baddest bug in the west, and he’s here to bring law and order to the lands beyond the hive. This gun slinging, crumb eating critter by Paddy Bricksplitter is here to shoot first and ask questions latter. After a hard days work, maybe a few poker games, you can be sure to see him ride off into the sunset. Or is that a giant bug zapper? Nobody knows.

Happy FebRovery!

We are nearly three quarters of the way through the fine LEGO month of FebRovery. For those unaware the month of FebRovery was added to the LEGO calendar in 2012, and is a month long celebration of the humble space rover. Real life rovers helped us explore the Moon and Mars, I miss the long lived Opportunity Mars rover already. LEGO rovers have helped us explore the wide realms of imagination since the early days of Classic Space. Rovers built for the FebRovery event, fall roughly into three categories, homages to classic LEGO sets, hard sci-fi delights, and my favorite the wonderfully weird, wacky, and whimsical. Instead of a single focus like most BrickNerd post I’m going to share several of these unique build.

First up is Tim Henderson’s 0031TY.  This one is a bit of a tongue in cheek alt build from a rather famous light freighter. The tallness of the model makes me smile, likely because it reminds me of something that would be on the cover of a 50’s or 60’s era sci-fi short story collection

Next is David Roberts’ rather interesting take on a 4 wheeled vehicle. A unicycle with a revolving three wheeled stabilizing set up. Check out his flickr feed he’s taken FebRovery as a daily challenge. 

Space Sharks need a way to get around too. The Fishtron ATR the Watertower is a swank tripod style rover, that would definitely five some Wells’ style Martians a run for their money.  Built by Frost’s who is also attempting a daily rover build approach.

The final rover is massive, Benny's Monorail Manufacturing Modular Mobile Moonbase or Benny’s Mmmmm .  While not posted to the FebRovery group this build by Blair Archer definitely shares the weird and wacky rover feel I like.  It’s tall and gangly, with a great crane arm and bins for monorail parts.

So often we take our subjects too seriously and forget that sometimes a little whimsy can go a long way. Whimsy plus a well-executed build can bring a lot of joy to this world and one of the reasons I love our hobby.