I Am Iron Man!

Iron Man has always been my favorite super hero. I didn't read many comics as a kid, but when I did, it was Spiderman or Iron Man. And of course the movies are outstanding (the first is still my favorite, but I always prefer the genesis stories). This rendition of the mark VII armor by mmccooey makes my geek heart soar.

(update, turns out this came out some time ago, but I missed it. It's been reposted with some Photoshop loving'. It still kicks ass)


American Graffiti

I remember seeing American Graffiti when I was a kid. It couldn't have been when it was originally released because I was only 5, but I remember seeing it in a theater (we mainly went because it had Richie Cunningham and cool cars in it). I do recall being quite smitten with this beast, and I still am, especially rendered in my favorite bricks by none other than the Mad Physicist himself.

American Graffiti Deuce Coupe (1)

LEGO Space: Building The Future

LEGO Space: Building The Future

I've waited a long time for this book. Pete Reid confided in me quite some time back that he and Tim were working on a book, and working hard on it. I knew it was about space, I knew it would be awesome and I knew it would be out around now. But that's all I knew. I wanted it to be a surprise, I didn't ask for any more info and he didn't offer. Well, it's finally in my hands and let me tell you, it's gorgeous.

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Turkey Day Is Almost Here

Everyone's getting ready for the holidays. Traditionally Thanksgiving kicks things off, but I was seeing Christmas crap in Michael's in August. Anyway, if you like football, drunk distant relatives and copious amounts of food, Thanksgiving is your day. And you only have a little more than a week to wait. Mr. Rancor couldn't wait, but thanks to DigiNik13 and this awesome picture, we can all look forward to a little gobble gobble.


Spirit Mars Rover

I remember building the LEGO Discovery Mars Rover set as I watched the live feed from NASA on landing day. There's something about space technology that just lends itself to LEGO construction. This awesome MOC by Rogue Bantha is proof of that. It's just one of the many, many phenomenal MOCs in LEGO Space, Building The Future. 


I just got my review copy of this book and first impressions are really good. I'll be doing a proper review in the next few days, but it's awesome!

Get That Wookie A Medal

I remember distinctly being 9 years old and watching this scene, my heart soaring. Then there was that moment when I thought, "hey, Chewie didn't get a medal, what the heck?"

This is from an upcoming book called LEGO Galaxy: Build Your Own Universe. Coming out in December.

LEGO Galaxy: Build Your Own Universe
By Joe Klang, Oliver Albrecht, Lutz Uhlmann