Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200
/But do check out this excellent little Monopoly MOC by iridescent nohow. I've spent many, many hours playing this game in my life, and I always seem to lose. Unless we're playing my Star Wars special edition, then I win just for getting the Boba Fett piece.
/The official BrickNerd YouTube channel just passed 75,000 views! This makes us very happy. If you haven't had chance to watch some of the videos on the channel you're missing out.
Head on over and check it out, it mostly doesn't suck.
/Back in the 90's Todd MacFarlane's Spawn made waves in the comic world and then in the toy world. Now Orion Pax is here to make waves in the AFOL community with this amazing build of the title character. While I'm not a huge fan of customization, I have to say the paint work and modifications on this MOC are amazing.
Arc170 PunkFighter
/We have a new weapon in the fight against the evil colonial empire, the Arc 170 PunkFighter. We have word that Commodore Tarkin and his right hand man Lord Byron von Vaderham have moved forces closer to the 180th parallel. This modern age vessel should help us turn the tide.
Built by Dodge for FBTB's MOC Madness 2014
Ready For The Night?
/SM seeks SF
I'm seeking a lady who likes adventure, and isn't afraid of the dark. I enjoy the night life, I like to boogie. I really enjoy gadgets and dressing up for a evening on the town. I have my own car (several in fact) so I can pick you up. While I do spend plenty of time in my parent's basement, I actually own the house since I was orphaned as a child.
If interested please see Commissioner Gordon, he knows how to contact me.
Settlement On Epherna 1
/Micro scale space dioramas always make my geeky heart go pitter patter. This one from Tim C76 makes it go boomshakashaka! Check out all the awesome detail in this thing, from the subtle use of trans blue throughout, to the bevel gears to add texture and my favorite detail the flex tubing in the large dishes to add windows around the edges of the biggest tower.
Die Fry Die!
/Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I submit to you this piece of evidence, a security camera shot from the night of the incident. As you can see, the defendant is clearly...wait for it...relishing (condiment humor) in his act. This wasn't a case of mistaken identity. This wasn't self defense. And this certainly wasn't a case of jaywalking. This was murder, cold and calculated.
Master Greybeard's House
/Whenever I see a build in this style for some reason celtic music or something similar the the Lord of the Rings soundtrack plays in my head. There's just something so wonderfully organic and appealing when it's done right, and this MOC by One More Brick is done right. I especially like the tapered foundation, it feels at once like it might tip over and also sit soundly forever.
BrickNerd LiveBuild - Exo Suit!
/YES! We have the new Exo Suit and we're going to build it live, such is the need to get this little bundle of space awesomeness built as soon as possible! Building starts at 1pm PST, join us!
Update, here's the time lapse...
Review - The Art Of LEGO Design
/Let's face it, there's a lot of LEGO books available right now. Most of them are genre themed, or specific to a particular subset of the hobby. A great any of them aren't particularly helpful. Well Jordan Schwartz is here to change that, at least from a design point of view.
Jordan is a former LEGO designer, one of the youngest in the company's history, and an active member of the AFOL community. He shares his, along with several notable LEGO builders, experience with design and building philosophy in this rather unique book from No Starch Press.
Read MoreJawas And Bricks, It Was Meant To Be
/It's no secret I'm a Star Wars fan, and when you combine Star Wars and LEGO, it's like magic. It's like mac and cheese, it's like beer and pizza, it's like tea and biscuits. They just go together. Now the fine folks at Tee Fury have combined them and put them on a t-shirt. Awesome and t-shirts go together pretty well too. You've got one day to snag this, go now! Utini!
BrickNerd Live Build - MINI Cooper
/Building the excellent LEGO Creator MINI Cooper. Guaranteed more exciting than reruns of CSPAN or 1950's bowling championship films.
The Google+ Hangout is started, join us!
We go live at 10am PST
Mini Cooper LiveBuild Tomorrow!
/Yes, I've managed to get my grubby little mits on this most iconic of cars, the LEGO Creator MINI Cooper and I'll be building it live tomorrow. What better way to spend the last day of a three day weekend (for those in the US) than hanging out with a bunch of nerds and watching another nerd play with toys!?! Join me and Mrs. BrickNerd tomorrow at 10am PST!
Exo Suit Comparison
/Exo Suit designer Peter Reid has posted a fantastic side-by-side of his design vs the final product from LEGO and LEGO designer Mark Stafford. Clearly scale is a major deviation, as well as ankle joints and some of the larger body components like the barrels in the forearms. But as you can see it's faithful to the spirit, and fantastically designed. I prefer Pete's compactness and more mechanical look, but I sorta like LEGO's take on contrast. I prefer Pete's more exposed cockpit as well, but Mark's makes great use of the new handlebars. We'll have a LiveBuild and full review soon enough, in the mean time just stare at this and droooooool.
/Thinking outside the box and being truly original doesn't come easy, that is unless you're builder Ryckyloko apparently. One look at his photostream and you'll be treated to a great number of MOCs that seamlessly blend Bionicle and System in innovative and organic shapes. Like this insect inspired deep space vessel, crazy cool.
LEGO Exo Suit Unveiled!
/What better way to unveil the Exo Suit than with a marvelous animation by long time Pete Reid collaborator Chris Salt? If you weren't excited before, this should do the trick.
More Sofa (In)Action
/MacLane is on a roll with is awesome "couch" series of MOCs. The latest has everything from a little post apocalyptic relaxation to Cobra and GIjOE in their lighter moments. These are amazing not only for how iconic and instantly recognizable they are, but how each one tells a different (and hilariously mundane) story.