Marvel Mixel Masterpieces

As the world's nerd population descends upon San Diego California (this nerd included) all manner of dedication to the universe of comics and pop culture is on display. Builder monsterbrick has assembled his own band of heroes mashing up Marvel and the fabulous ball joints from the Mixels line (with a few fun eyeballs to boot). There's some seriously pose-able super hero action going on here.

Monster's Marvel Mixel Masterpieces
Punisher Sentinel Series
Wolverine Sentinel Series
Thor of Asgard Sentinel Series

Teeming With Bugs

On a recent visit to Hawaii I remembered something about home that I take for granted, very few bugs. It takes a trip outside your bubble sometimes to realize what you have. Not that I have anything against bugs (at least the ones that don't want to nibble on me). But I suppose if all bugs had fun googly eyes like these from legorobo:waka they would be more entertaining to be around.


The BrickNerd Pledge Drive Is Still On

We're still taking donations in the 2014 BrickNerd pledge drive and there's still many, many things to give away. I've already given away dozens of items, some quite rare and valuable, to friends of the site and show. Thanks to the many people that have donated, offered up items to give away or just had encouraging words (it's all support as far as I'm concerned). Speaking of giveaways, check out this haul being donated by the always awesome customBRICKS! There's over $250 worth of stuff here, some items available only in this bundle, and it can be yours! In addition they're giving away a very cool Supergirl custom minifgure! You don't have to make a donation to be eligible either (but of course we really appreciate it), just sending a note, retweeting or commenting on Facebook could score you some sweet, sweet swag!

Benny's Mini Spaceship Spaceship SPACESHIP!

If you've seen The LEGO Movie (you have, haven't you?) you'll remember Benny, the exceptionally enthusiastic spacer. And you've no doubt drooled after Benny's super-sweet giant spaceship. Well powerpig has scaled things down to a more manageable (and affordable) level with this mini version of his ship. I dig it, it's like a Micro-Fighters scale version.

Benny's Mini Ship

Your Chance To Meet Exo Suit Designer Peter Reid

Hey UK readers, listen up. Whatever you were planning to do Saturday the 26th, cancel it. The place you want to be is the LEGO Store Bluewater from 12-4pm. Exo Suit designer and LEGO artist Peter Reid is going to be there signing sets and answering questions. Not only do you get early access to the Exo Suit and get to meet Pete, you can score one of these sets of exceptionally exclusive collector cards. Now would someone please perfect transporter technology so I can zip over there and still be back in time for my Panel at SDCC?

Exo-Suit Collectible Cards - the 5 regular cards

Big thanks to bluemoose for sharing these pics

Red Baron Down

I had a really cool Red Baron model kit when I was a kid. Of course I really had no idea what it represented, who Manfred von Richthofen was or who was fighting who and for what reason 50 years before I was born. All I knew is it was a bitchin' red triplane. Speaking of which, it's no less awesome built in bricks as we can see in this sweet diorama by PigletCiamek.


The BrickNerd Pledge Drive Continues

First of all, let me send a huge shout out to all that have donated so far. Your generosity has blown me away, thank you so much. I still have quite a few really cool items to give away, including the Exo Suit (need to finish episode 207 first) and screen-used MOCs from Beyond The Brick: A LEGO Brickumentary. I'm also excited to announce that Vince Paver (Hammerstein NWC) is generously donating two sets of his awesome custom minifigures. We're giving stuff away until the end of July, donate today!

Stealth Is Not A Feature

Nothing speaks of confidence than to roll on your enemy with supreme firepower painted bright yellow. This obnoxiously yellow landship (that's space_e's official title) sports three turrets and four treads in counter triangular configuration. And if that wasn't enough, it's also remote controlled with an adder-subtractor drive. It's a lumbering beast that is designed to dominate the battlefield, regardless of color.

Obnoxiously Yellow Landship

SmartBrick- Bringing Bluetooth Control To Power Functions

Power Functions are awesome. There's just something magical that happens when you can bring a MOC to life with lights and motion. Well now there's something to take that magic to the next level, like exponentially to the next level. Some very smart people in the UK (Mark Bollobas and his team) have come up with a way to control PF over bluetooth with smartphones. And it's not just a bluetooth version of the standard IR block, this thing is supercharged with features. You can, among other things...

  • Control from 100 Meters away
  • Use it in direct sunlight (try doing that with the IR one)
  • Control 64 ports (!)
  • Tweak away with programmable firmware
  • Use custom profiles
  • Control MOCs over the internet
  • Interact with other users with social functions 

There are so many cool things you can do with this awesome bit of hardware, I can't imagine what users will do with it once it's in the wild. But for now they need your help to get to mass production so head over to their Kickstarter project and throw some love their direction!

In Summer!

Dateline Miami Florida

Scientists researching the negative effects of men over 50 wearing speedos were startled today to discover a small snowman enjoying the summer heat and sun. Using instruments they had on hand they took several measurements and could not explain the apparent decelerated melt rate of the afore mentioned snow. After several hours study the team adjourned to a nearby hotel to study the data. It should be noted that during all that time it escaped the scientists attention that the snowman did indeed walk, talk, sing and wear a silly hat.


BrickNerd Pledge Drive 2014

San Diego Comic Con is upon is, BrickCon is right around the corner, contests are planned and episodes of BrickNerd are backing up. The coffers are quite dry but we have all this cool stuff laying around the studio. So what can we do to rectify this? Pledge drive!

Let's be quite clear, this isn't a raffle or a purchase, this is you supporting BrickNerd, and us surprising several of you with tokens of our appreciation like we've done in the past. It will be fairly random, but I can say it's quite likely the greater the support, the better the odds and the perk. 

Among the things in our box of mutual love is badge bricks, stickers, books, poly bags and various sized sets including The LEGO House and some Exo Suit thingy you've probably never heard of. There's also several screen-used MOCs from the animation done for Beyond The Brick: A LEGO Brickumentary. Yes, you can own a piece of cinema history.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is of course no end date to when we'll happily accept donations, but we'll be surprising supporters immediately and until the end of July. We'll probably give away some really cool stuff on the next LiveBuild so be sure to tune in for that! Use the button below to make a donation and best of luck!

Thanks for all your support, we love you!

UPDATE: Joe Meno has just added a one year subscription to BrickJournal to the box of love, thanks Joe!