LiveBuild Tomorrow - The Force Awakens

We have a bunch of Star Wars The Force Awakens sets here at the studio, and it's high time we built some. But with so many to choose from, we need your help. You have until 9am PST to vote for your choice of the set we build. And tomorrow we'll review the results and build whatever set you you've chosen! Vote and we'll see you tomorrow!

The Cutest AT-AT Ever

Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, and to the icy plains of Hoth. As is usually the case these days, Star Wars is on my mind this morning. I glanced at the Microfighters AT-AT and thought about how much better it could be. Then I thought of this, the quintessential chibi AT-AT. This is by MacLane for the FBTB Chibi contest, which happened so long ago now I don't remember if I even entered. Wouldn't have mattered though, this baby won the second it was posted.

Chibi AT-AT


For the ultimate in large frame combat or urban pacification look no further than the XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms. The "Zero Three" combines everything you expect in mecha form factor plus enough armament to level a small city. All this with a cockpit that pampers the driver. With rich corinthian leather, burled walnut accents and a 14 speaker sound system that will liquify your colon. So be prepared warriors, it's time to suit up! 

(nice build Moko ;-)

Gundam Heavyarms
Gundam Heavyarms
Gundam Heavyarms

Astérix & Obélix

Being an American growing up in the middle of nowhere, I had no exposure to Astérix & Obélix, and to be honest, I have no idea who these characters are. I mean, I saw this MOC by vitreolum I though "cool, Astérix & Obélix". Then I realized, I have no idea who is who. Then I realized I always assumed that was their names, but as far as I knew, it could be their favorite food, or anything else, I had no idea. What I do know is these are awesome character builds, the rest I'll have to spend some time researching.

Astérix & Obélix

Born To Rune

I must confess I know nothing about Discworld, and in my present state of frenzy I have no time to fake it with a quick google search. But this marvelous MOC by Pate-keetongu popped up on the screen saver of my AppleTV here in the studio and I was instantly captivated. I'll have to go back later and learn more about him, but in the mean time I'll just admire his eccentric outfit and outstanding details.

The Dean of Unseen University
The Dean of Unseen University

Review - Beautiful LEGO Wild!

Review - Beautiful LEGO Wild!

Artist, author, designer and builder Mike Doyle is back with another Beautiful LEGO book. Nature and animals are the focus in this third book of the excellent series. Mike has built some splendid creations, and curated MOCs from all around the world and from builders from all walks of life. All put together in a lovely presentation by No Starch Press. It's LEGO eye candy of the highest order, in a quality book that would look great on any coffee table.

Read More

Get Beyond The Brick To BrickCon

BrickCon is one of, if not the best LEGO conventions on the planet. I've only been to a few different cons, but out of those it is by far my favorite and I look forward to going every year (fingers crossed I'll get there this year). Our pals over at Beyond the Brick would like to make it to this year's con and have launched a Kickstarter campaign to get there and make an exclusive video of the event. They've got some cool rewards and some nifty stretch goals. Head over and help them out.

MIDA Multi-Tool Scout Rifle

This is awesome. How many times have you been playing a first-person-shooter and thought "man I wish I had a full scale model of this weapon to display". Well builder Simply Complex Simplicity did, and when ahead and built one from LEGO, and it turned out phenomenal. Not only that, he put together a fantastic video about it, check it out!

Tin Toy

Fans of early CGI character work should recognize this. Way back when Pixar was a new company and pushing hard to break new ground in computer generated imagery and legitimizing CGI as a story telling tool, they produced shorts. Early works like Andre and Wally B and Luxo Jr showed promise and hints of a world to come, but Tin Toy was really the watershed moment. Billy the baby still sort of creeps me out, but Tinny is as charming as ever, especially when built in bricks. Nice work Swan Dutchman!

"Who Is She? She's Beautiful..."

I'm not ashamed to admit a boyhood crush on a certain princess from a certain space opera. When Star Wars came out we all wanted to be Luke Skywalker, beat Darth Vader and kiss Princess Leia (back then we didn't know about the whole sister thing, cut me some slack). This figure from lucbyard captures something that most figures of Leia seem to miss, her confident swagger. You have to admit, Leia kicked some ass when she wasn't being totally adorable.

Brick figurine: Leia

East Bound And Down

You know what's strange? I have almost no memory of Smokey and the Bandit (unlike my favorite guilty pleasure Hooper). I know the basic plot, I know I saw it as a kid, I can sing along with the theme when they play it aboard the Disney Wonder on deck 3 forward. But I don't remember it. I do recall vividly everybody wanted one of these Trans Am's after the movie came out (and a CB radio, man the 70's were weird), and now Mad Physicist has one of his own.

Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am

Rebel Alliance Toilets

Going back to the Classic Space era of the 1970s, every ship I built, my mother would ask, "Where's the bathroom?"  Well, after all these years, Sad Brick finally has an answer.  With color accents mimicking the legendary X-Wing fighter, this men's room is stylish and functional.  Take note of the re-purposed Stormtrooper helmets, and the heavy-duty door which should isolate any noxious odors from the rest of the ship.  That is very important in the vacuum of space.  Don't forget, all employees must wash hands before returning to work.

The Rebel Alliance Toilets


Fun Facts About The Parakeet

  • The parakeet is the most commonly kept bird in the world.
  • Parakeets have as many as 3,000 feathers on their bodies.
  • While they cannot speak like some other breeds, they can write.
  • When angered they can grow 600% and shoot flames from their eyes.
  • They don't "fly south for the winter" but most own a time share in Florida.
  • They're droppings can be used as an improvised explosive.
  • While you can name anything you want, they are all actually named Roderick.
  • When built in LEGO by AnAnctionfigure they get blogged.
Alexandrine Parakeet with Chick

Long Haul

This is pretty cool. Fans of the sci-fi horror classic Alien should recognize this famous ship, but a good many are probably slightly wrong about what they're calling it. Most fans will identify this as the Nostromo, but they are only partly right. The Nostromo is actually a pretty small ship in comparison of the refinery it's towing. It's just the tip of the triangular portion at the front. Even at micro scale, this is a fairly large MOC by Grantmasters.

You Can Build This Awesome Y-Wing

What's better than a kickass Star Wars MOC? A kickass Star Wars MOC with instructions that's what! This beast of a Y-Wing packs an incredible amount of accurate detail into a UCS scale ship, it's practically camera ready. And you can build your own because builder Brickwright was kind enough to provide us with instructions. What are you waiting for, get the parts list and get building!

BTL-A4 Y-wing Instructions (Version 2)
BTL-A4 Y-wing (Version 2)
BTL-A4 Y-wing (Version 2)

Marker! *thwack!*

There was no way I wasn't going to blog this. Since the invention of "talkies" filmmakers have needed a way to synchronize picture to sound, since generally they are recorded separately. There have been a number of ways of doing this, and several technological advances through the years, but when it comes down to it, nothing beats a good old classic clapboard. Nice build Cole.

LEGO Clapboard (Working)

Puppet And Puppeteer

I won't begin to say that I understand the mythos and story behind these MOCs, I'm sure there's plenty going on here in that respect, but I haven't had enough tea or sleep. I will say when builder A Plastic Infinity posted Turaga Retei-atomn last week I was confused by the floating chains. But now it's clear, and pretty cool. What really caught my attention was there's a miniature of the first character in the second MOC, that's pretty genius.

Turaga Retei-atomn