Royal Corgi

Fun fact: While blogging this wonderfully regal corgi by builder BrickinNick I happen to have two corgis on either side of me. You see, I enjoy tea and biscuits in the morning while I blog, and my corgis know it. In fact, when I put the spoon in the sink it might as well be me yelling "time for biscuits!" I'll sit at the computer and they'll sit on either side of me, and not-so-patiently wait for their little bits. Not spoiled you see, just royal, like this little guy.

Royal Corgi

Modular Arcade

If you're not familiar with Chris McVeigh's modular arcade series you need to be. While the coin-op arcade seems to be a thing of the past, you can relive those blipity blopity sore thumb days with these rad little machines. This year the collection expands with some new designs and they look absolutely awesome. You can build your own with free instructions (and dozens of others) at or preorder the kit right now. *Quarters not included

Modular Arcade (Gen 2)


Things might have gone differently in so many situations if R2-D2 had his own mech like this one from M<0><0>DSWIM. Tuskin Raiders? No Problem. Fell in a swamp? No problem. Stormtroopers? No Problem. Battle of Yavin? Ok, fitting him in the back of an X-Wing might have been a small problem, but I'm guessing this baby has flight capabilities, so no problem!

Fill 'Er Up!

It takes one look at a classic Coca-Cola machine, a vintage radio or even a gas pump to see how we as humans used to really care about aesthetics. While modern design can be nice, a truly beautiful item is rare these days, and always celebrated, which makes me wonder why there isn't more beautiful stuff? Builder Norton74 gets it, and has crafted this vintage gas pump, which served a simple purpose, and looked good doing it.

Fill 'er up!

Choose Your Color

Any kid that owned a Gameboy in the late 90's (so let's face it, most) recognizes these guys, it's the trainers from Pokemon Red and Blue, the ubiquitous monster catching role-playing game. It gives me great pleasure to present these as they come from a builder you might have heard of, Mr Kevin Hinkle himself. It's good to see you dabbling with the bricks Kevin.

Pokémon - Trainer Red
Pokémon - Trainer Blue


Right now, as you read this, there are brave people speeding at just under 5 miles a second approximately 250 miles up in what is essentially a bunch of bus-sized tubes connected together. The overall size is about a football field, in a never ending free fall around the planet. You can see it with the naked eye if you know where and when to look, and it just blows my mind. I'm talking about the International Space Station, and it's a wonder of human innovation and exploratory spirit. While this version by builder Jussi Koskinen is an order of magnitude smaller, it's still pretty amazing. The attention to detail is fantastic, and the presentation is stellar, pun intended.

International Space Station
International Space Station

Epic Super Star Destroyer

I still remember that sense of awe that I felt during my first viewing of The Empire Strikes Back when the Super Star Destroyer was revealed. We all knew the colossal scale of the Star Destroyer, and when they showed a fleet them all being dwarfed, first by shadow, then by the ship, my jaw dropped. This was a ship of immense scale, and this build by Fabrice Neaud is pretty immense in it's own right.

Executor MOC lego au canon fond noir petit web

Air Powered

Want to hear something weird? I have something strangely in common with this MOC by vitreolum... I was the clouds in the movie Cabin Boy. Way back in the early 90's my friend Tony Gardner was doing the makeup for the film, and they needed someone with an expressive face, so naturally they thought of me (the human cartoon). I'll refer you to this old episode of Movie Magic for more info. A self imposed challenge on this MOC was a curved, studless sail. I'd say challenge accepted, and conquered.

Air Elemental Boat


I won't claim to have the slightest clue what the back story is on this MOC by W. Navarre. I know there's some kind of MOCpages contest, and it's sort of a T-800, and an ABS challenge maybe, I don't know. And it's a crazy morning here at BrickNerd headquarters, so I have no time to research. What I do know is this is a pretty awesome skull flag, feel free to comment and fill in the details.


Yub Nub

Ah Ewoks, those cuddly little teddy bears that overthrew an empire (or at least helped). Love them or hate them, you have to admit they're better than gungans. Builder LEGO 7 likes them, and I don't mind them, and I really don't mind this pretty spiffy little MOC featuring them. And before you start complaining that they're just cute little fuzzy critters, I'll remind you they fully intended to EAT Han and Luke, think about that.

Ewoks Family