Merry Christmas From Hoth

This is a delightful holiday surprise. One of the most celebrated alternative LEGO photographers, Avanaut, is back from his hiatus. And what a lovely return it is. This tells the story of TK-24/7 on a lonely, but quite agreeable patrol mission on Hoth. Who would have thought a AT-ST could be so tranquil?

The Two Legged Camper

Painted On The Sprue

I've made no secret of my affection for Pete Reid and Yvonne Doyle. They were my best friends during my time in London. It is truly an honor to have yourself immortalized as a Minifig, and I consider it an honor to know them. This little tribute to classic plastic model building is perfect, and what I've come to expect from one of the best builders in the world.

We are minifigs


My affection for Nintendo is well known, so it probably comes as no surprise that this is getting blogged. Builder One More Brick has crafted a series of everyone favorite bubblegum lump Kirby. I know, Kirby isn't bubblegum, but to this day that's what he reminds me of. My favorite Kirby title is the one no one else seems to remember, Kirby's Pinball Land.


Farewell, Colbert Report

As most of you know, Stephen Colbert and Comedy Central aired the last episode of The Colbert Report last night. I'm sad to see it go, but happy for Stephen and I'll be tuning in to The Late Show when he takes over next year. This was my first real MOC when I joined the ranks of the AFOL community. It was warmly received and has a special place in my heart, as does Stephen. 


The Adventures Of Nigel

Builder MinifigNick has recently been posting a series of charming little MOCs featuring Nigel, a slug-like monster on some adventures. I don't know the genesis of this character and I don't care, I just look forward to seeing what further antics he gets up to. He's already married (that was quick) so I guess it's on to domestic life (and of course, a minivan).

It's Ok Steve I've Helped Myself.
Nigel's In Love
Nigel Gets Married

Batman #20 Featuring The 1943 Batmobile

Holy retro action Batman! Comic Bricks seems to have resonated throughout the AFOL community. I really wish this MOC had been at D-Con 2014 so I could see it in person. I'm a sucker for a little retro, and I love this. I really dig the brick-built logo on the comic too, nice work Clayton Marchetti. Click through for more pics.