Mad Stairway Drawing Skills


Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, and draw squiggles with knobs. This is childhood in a single picture, an iconic toy built from my favorite toy. Everyone remembers trying to draw the family pet or house, only to discover part way through that there was no way to get to that next detail without leaving a bizarre contrail. Then with one mis-turn of a knob and the whole thing was for not. No biggie though, one big shake and it was on to the next drawing. I don't know how old this MOC is, all I know is it was built by customBRICKS, and it's awesome.

Flashback Friday: Etch A Sketch

Dragon Keep

This latest castle by ZCerberus falls somewhere between humongous and massive in scale. And, a lot of times, when we see builds this large they tend to lose detail due to the magnitude of time it takes to build something on this scale. This castle is clearly the exception. You can tell that a lot of thought was put into the typically more boring parts of the castle, including the injection of color and symbols into the traditionally bland castle walls. Additionally, ZCerberus has done a nice job of creating an interesting and foreboding environment surrounding the keep.


Unzipping The Storm

The latest Iron Builder continues to rage on, and neither opponent is letting up. Today's MOCs couldn't be more different, and each is amazing in it's own way. Onosendai's zipper could be on anything, use your imagination (keep it clean kids). And anyone from "tornado alley" here in the US knows the awesome power of the tornado, but they've never seen one as cute as this MOC by Kyubi.


Holy Extra Cheese Batman!


A cloaked, dark figure stands in a moody hallway, eerily lit from behind. A cord dangles from a communication device as the figure slowly paces, a faint ringing is heard.

Voice (O.S.)

Gotham pizza, can I take your order?

The dark figure stops pacing as his senses tingle, ready for action, he clears his throat, 


Yes, I heard there's a situation there. I'm here to help.

Voice (O.S.)

Umm, I'm not sure what you mean.


(after an awkward beat)

I need a pizza.

Voice (O.S.)

Yes sir, what would you like on it?


Do you have any...dark ingredients?

Voice (O.S.)

Ummm, olives are pretty dark I guess.


Perfect. And I need it delivered under cover of night.

Voice (O.S.)

Well, it's 9:30 at night, so... yeah

Bat Couch