Land Beast

I never really got into D&D as a teen, we played Aftermath, a post apocalyptic role playing game. I remember one particular campaign I ran that had our heroes in one of these (then a brand new vehicle) a Suzuki Samurai. Ours was heavily modified to survive the harshness of a Road Warrior type life. This one, skillfully recreated by builder Lino M was built for climbing, serious climbing, like the highest climbing ever done. Can you believe a Suzuki Samurai climbed the highest peak ever conquered by a four wheeled vehicle? This one did.

Record Breaking Suzuki Samurai
Record Breaking Suzuki Samurai

It's Bigger On The Inside

Despite several attempts by friends I still haven't really delved into the world of Dr. Who, but I can truly appreciate the world's affection for the good doctor. And I can appreciate outstanding building skills as demonstrated on this excellent recreation of the TARDIS interior by Xenomurphy. The attention to detail not only from a show standpoint but also from a production design and set construction point of view just makes me happy.

50 years of Doctor Who – The 11th Doctor’s TARDIS Console Room
50 years of Doctor Who – The 11th Doctor’s TARDIS Console Room
50 years of Doctor Who – The 11th Doctor’s TARDIS Console Room

Mad Love

Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, and to Gotham's darker places. Batman villains have been on my mind recently, so I thought I'd dig up an older favorite of mine. This comic cover inspired scene by Julius No features not only the caped crusader and and his nemesis Joker, but also one of the best LEGO representations of the most popular female character in the DC universe, Harley Quinn.

Hey! Listen!

My love for the Zelda franchise is well known, I'm also pretty fond of builder powerpig. So to have this pop up in my Flickr feed was a total squee moment for these very weary eyes. When Link was "cartooned" for the Windwaker title it was controversial to say the least, but I can honestly say I never really cared much. It took a short while to get used to, but the game was phenomenal. This Brick Sketch of our favorite quiet hero is perfect.

Hero of Winds

A Study In 1701

Over 40 years passed between designs for the original USS Enterprise for the classic Star Trek series and JJ Abrams movies, but the basic design stayed the same. Builder Riskjockey gives us a side by side comparison of old and new. And while the original was very simplistic by today's standards, it was cutting edge for the time. Yes, the sets were low budget and boxy way back then, but the new one has an engineering section the looks an awful lot like a brewery.

The Enterprise - New and Old
The Enterprise - New and Old

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

The first thing I thought of when I saw this wonderful "vintage photo" by MiniFigNick was the old Adventurer's Club at Disney's Pleasure Island (what a fantastic place that was). Of course this image is just a small section of the larger interior of the Gentleman's Club. Which incidentally looks like an awesome place to hang out, where do I sign up?

The Gentleman's Club Tales From The Fire Place
The Gentleman's Club

New Year Yummies

I won't pretend to know much about Chinese New Year, but I do know candy! This lovely MOC by builder Andybear was one of those "skip over at first since the thumbnail fooled you" moments for me. I mean really, look at the detail and care that went into this. While the treats inside look marvelous, my favorite detail has got to be the lid of the box, that's stellar work.

Chinese New Year Candytray

Snow Miku

I know it's winter. I know this because Santa visited recently and shorts are hard to find in the stores. Yes, it's snowing and cold in a great many places in the northern hemisphere, but California isn't one of those places (as in not cold, we're still in the northern hemisphere, most of the time). I also know it's winter because of awesome MOCs like this one from MikeVD. Yes, Miku looks quite cozy in her winter coat with her furry little friend.


You Scream, I Scream

We all scream for this wonderful ice cream MOC by shfio. The studs out SNOT construction of this delicately swirled ABS treat are a wonder to behold. We've all seen builds of this type before, but the fact that it not only swirls upward but also diminishes as it goes up sort of blows my mind. It's like a brain freeze, without all the calories.


White Tiger

I've seen white tigers in person, they are majestic big cats with an almost regal air to them. You feel like you should bowing and swearing allegiance in their presence. Builder dennis qiu has crafted a ferocious yet stunningly beautiful and surprisingly pose-able MOC worthy of this fantastic creature. Click through for more pics.

Harimau Putih

Thanks for the head's up jaderosenblitt!

Harley Davidson Cali Style Lowrider

When I saw the work in progress shot of this beast I knew we were all in for something special, and I was right. This is one of the best motorcycle MOCs I've ever seen. I've always had an admiration for custom Harleys, they have a style which makes them instantly recognizable yet totally unique, and builder bricksonwheels has captured that. The color selections here, from the contrasting greens to the custom chromed and gold plated elements make this one spectacular piece of art.

Harley Davidson Cali Style Lowrider
Harley Davidson Cali Style Lowrider

Avengers Helicarrier LiveBuild Tomorrow!

Hey Marvel fans, guess what we have! That's right, I managed to get my grubby little mits on a helicarrier and we're going to build it live tomorrow (or at least most of it).

Join me and James Morr of SpastikChuwawa fame as we mess up step after step of this beast. Guaranteed to be 27% more exciting than that brunch you were supposed to be at. Building begins 10am PST. See you there!

Speed Buggy

Here's another nugget of my childhood. When I was a kid Saturday mornings meant getting up way earlier and easier than it was just one day ago, eating way too much cereal and watching way too many cartoons. This was a favorite, Speed Buggy from Hanna-Barbera. Just for old time's sake I had to check out YouTube to watch a little bit, and it's live action counterpart Wonderbug... Man, I watched some really bad stuff as a kid, but I loved it. And I love this perfect tribute to Speed by builder SPARKART!

LEGO Speed Buggy!

Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?

I've always been a big fan of the batmobile, and judging from the number of them I see all the time on Flickr you all are too. But I don't see many with play features, especially as well hidden as this badass Batmobile from AC Studio. This thing is packing machine guns, autocannons and missile launchers, all tucked away in cleverly hidden compartments. Click through for more images.

Batman Lego | Custom Batmobile - 3rd design upgrade (Normal Mode - All weapons hidden)
Batman Lego | Custom Batmobile - 3rd design upgrade (Manifold Hidden Autocannon-launch Mechanism)
Batman Lego | Custom Batmobile - 3rd design upgrade