Building the Blue Cottage

Building the Blue Cottage

Andrea Lattanzio (Norton74) is known for his realistic LEGO scenes with organic landscaping and realistic vehicles. His newest country creation is a small and cozy blue cottage, and he shared his work-in-progress photos with us for a behind-the-scenes look at this idyllic forest scene.

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Bionicle Reborn on the Island of Doom

Bionicle Reborn on the Island of Doom

From concept to recruiting, building to editing, Island of Doom is a collab of revitalization worth your time. It brought together ambitious LEGO fans from all around the world who shared their passion, talent and artistic skills to showcase the best the Bionicle community has to offer.

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Making Minimalism a Big Deal

Making Minimalism a Big Deal

There’s an art to picking the perfect LEGO element for a model, and builder Dan Ko does it masterfully. The parts he chooses to build with transcend from their original purpose to become something entirely different and more beautiful, yet minimal and elegant.

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Can You Spot the Duplo Part in this Custom LEGO Motorcycle Masterpiece?

Can You Spot the Duplo Part in this Custom LEGO Motorcycle Masterpiece?

NPU. Nice Part Usage. This is a phrase that most LEGO builders love to hear. It means they have used a LEGO element in a new and unexpected way, yet it perfectly fits the overall model. If any build exudes NPU to me, it is this motorbike from Swedish builder o0ger.

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Black Rover, Black Rover, Send the Impeder Over!

Black Rover, Black Rover, Send the Impeder Over!

Despite being a year old, or from the “before times” as some members in my LUG call it, Capt. Dad’s first building foray into the land of Neo-Classic Blacktron got noticed by BrickNerd’s Message Intercept Base. I do love a good rover, and it is a great way to kick off Febrovery!

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A Bonsai Strong Enough to Weather a Winter Storm

A Bonsai Strong Enough to Weather a Winter Storm

If you have noticed the internet being overrun by LEGO bonsai trees as of late, it is for good reason. Brickset’s Build a Bonsai Competition is churning out some amazing entries (all because of the goats for a prize, I’m sure!), and Carter Witz is throwing his hat into the ring. His elegant bonsai would look at home on the neatest desk, but there’s more to this creation than meets the eye!

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A Tribute To Trebek

A Tribute To Trebek

With the tragic loss of Alex Trebek last year, I wanted to build a meaningful tribute to the man and his legacy of knowledge. So I built a moving kinetic sculpture of the “Greatest of All Time” tournament and discovered that building LEGO is not too dissimilar to Jeopardy. I knew the answer of where I wanted to go, I just needed to figure out the right questions that would get me there.

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Mastering the Art of Bonsai

Mastering the Art of Bonsai

The art of Bonsai is an elusive one, taking years to learn, requiring careful decision-making and patience above all. In that sense, it feels a lot like creating LEGO models—which is definitely an art Marius Herrmann has mastered. Marius, widely known as steponabrick both on Flickr and Instagram has shared an entry for Brickset’s ongoing Build a Bonsai competition—an expressive and lifelike sculpture, making masterful use of a variety of elements and beautiful techniques.

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"Know Your Pieces" Like This 10,000-Piece Framed LEGO Painting

"Know Your Pieces" Like This 10,000-Piece Framed LEGO Painting

Being a fan of highly detailed facades, especially most from the Oriental part of the world, I must say that the more you look at this one the more you will find. Builder Hoang Dang—known in the LEGO community as Know Your Pieces—has practically created a “Where’s Waldo” of spectacular nice-part-usage (NPU) out of 10,000 pieces.

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Lean Mean Sci-Fi Machines!

Lean Mean Sci-Fi Machines!

I stumbled upon this gem of a dronuary build yesterday and was immediately taken by the aggressive near future military design aesthetic of the humanoid and walker style drones. Squad Sierra is a must-see. Builder ReD M is a master of high-quality sci-fi digital creations, including many that you might have seen during the height of the Hibernia Flickr community craze a few months ago. So it comes as no surprise that the latest build is another gem.

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