Venetian Mask

There are many versions of Carnival, and I'm not much of a historian of them. I know in Rio it's going on right now, and Mardi Gras is right around the corner. But there really isn't much of a Carnival community in California, so I've never been. Builder Felix Jaensch seems to be ready to celebrate with this lovely Venetian Mask, expertly built and wonderfully presented.

Venetian Mask

Black & White

Contrast is important in all art mediums. It's an indicator of depth, a delineation between objects, the demarkation of negative and positive space, a guidance of the eye. It's also important in the bricks, and as you can see from these excellent hotrods from builder ianying616 it can make a striking impact with separate but combined MOCs as well.



This is how it ends for nearly all life in the ocean. You're minding your own business, maybe contemplating the next novel you'll write or perhaps a vacation to another reef when CHOMP! With the exception of a relatively small number of apex predators or large sea life, it all ends with a sudden realization you're in the mouth of a larger creature. A clever and fun MOC by builder lummerlander.

JAWS: Unpublished Scenes - Pt.1

Stair Truck

While perusing Flickr this morning I recognized this stair truck from Arrested Development instantly. This isn't because I watch the show, I've actually never seen it, but for some reason Netflix is absolutely convinced I should watch it, and has been enthusiastically recommending it for years. Builder Mad Physicist not only nailed the look of this classic airport utility vehicle, he made it functional with extending stairs!

Stair car from Arrested Development
Stair car from Arrested Development

Heart Candy Catapult

Valentines Day is coming up, and you just might have some classic cinnamon heart candy on hand. But who wants the hassle of actually getting up to get some, wouldn't it be better to have them launched at you? Builder and robotics guru JK Brickworks thought so, and whipped up this clever device with LEGO BOOST to do just that. Check out the video to see it in action.

Cinnamon Heart Candy Catapult

Welcome To Salonica

Welcome to the wild, whimsical, wonderful world of Salonica from builder Gunman. There's loads of detail in this colorful and imaginative diorama, I highly recommend clicking through to explore the larger images. Measuring in at 144 x 144 studs it's definitely on the large size, but not so big it's difficult to take in. I especially like the Dragonslayer's Inn, and would like to make a reservation immediately.

City of Salonica
Dragonslayer's Inn
Dimo's Stable


"Aura to mission control:  This is Captain ZCerberus.  Orders received, and coordinates plotted and laid in.  Time to roll the hard six..." 

"Good hunting, Captain. Control out." 

Or something to that effect.  That's what I figure builder ZCerberus might say aloud when getting ready to swoosh this baby around his living room.  And a few blaster noises, naturally.  Anyway, zoom in to see all of the details; from color blocking to greebles.  Lots to enjoy!


Barber Shop

My first reaction upon seeing this lovely barber shop interior by builder Heksu was "I need a haircut", I view that as a positive since it wasn't "hey, look at the LEGO". I saw it as a real place that could take care of the disaster area on top of my head. Fun fact: I used to be the make-up artist for the local chapter of the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. (it's a real thing, look it up).

Barber Shop

Fire Vs Fire

Avatar, The Last Airbender was amazing (the series, not that M. Night Shyamalan abomination). It was rich with character, history and back story. Of course, something so infused with creativity naturally sparks other creativity. Like this excellent scene depicting the epic struggle of Agni Kai by builder Tim Schwalfenberg. Somebody's getting burnt today.

The Last Agni Kai