LiveBuild Tomorrow, T-16 Skyhopper And The New BrickNerd Studios!

It's been too long since I've built live, so tomorrow I'm going to fix that. It's been a crazy busy couple of weeks moving into and setting up the new BrickNerd Studios. But the dust is finally settling and it's time to do the first LiveBuild in the new place. Join me tomorrow at 11:00am PST while I build the new T-16 Skyhopper and when it's done I'll give a virtual tour and exclusive first look at the new studio. See you then!

Use This, Just Don't Wear A Red Shirt

Star Trek: The Next Generation had some pretty cool tech in it. I'll admit at first I hated these phasers, but over the years they've grown on me (and I have a toy one in the attic). This prop replica by eldeeem isn't quite the right scale according to the builder, but you can't tell from the photograph, it looks spot on and quite cool.

Type 2 Phaser

Beetle Rat Rod

Here's a fun fact, my first car was a Beetle (well technically, it was a Chevy Luv, but that broke immediately, so I don't count it) and parked outside the studio right now is my convertible Beetle. I've always loved classic VW, and I think I could find a place in my heart for even this beast by Lino M. Yes, it's ugly in a beautiful way, but that's sort of the point of rat rods. Although I do have to take issue with the engine placement...

Volksrod Ratrod
Volksrod Ratrod

Floor Of Illusion

As "Tequila" bopped from the jukebox in the corner, Carl and Benny sat down for a delicious treat at the local diner. While slurping his chocolate shake Carl absentmindedly looked around the room. "Hey Benny, what if I told you all the gray lines on this floor were parallel?" Benny looked at the floor mostly disinterested and shrugged. "hey Carl, what if I told you while you were staring at the floor I stole your fries?" 

Nice build vitreolum

The Illusive Hobbit Diner


While I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce nerd-ptician, I can certainly relate to this MOC by 6kyubi6. Not only does it feature BrickNerd's mascot Nerdly, but just in the last few months I've come to accept that my peepers are not as good as they used to be. Yes, I wear reading glasses now, and no, they're not as fashionable as anything depicted here.

Nerdly goes to the Nerd-ptician

Mothering Sunday

Here in the US we won't be celebrating moms until May, but across the pond it was yesterday and this MOC by MinifigNick sums up motherhood in typical charming fashion. Moms all over the world should appreciate this image. While we all love our moms and occasionally remember to tell them, we could probably have just picked up our stuff from time to time and sent the message just as well. This one made me and my wife laugh.

Happy Mothers Day


A good MOC has all the elements you might expect, like color selection, form continuity, clever part use and good presentation. A great MOC tells a story, evokes emotion or conjures other senses like smell and sound. Can you practically smell the oil and soot of this beast by Captain Smog? How about the squeaking of chain, puffing of steam and grinding of gears, can you hear them? I can.

The Behemoth


Iron Builder rages rages on, and continues to heat up. Not to be outdone by 6kyubi6's Travis MOC, vitroleum delves into unfamiliar territory with this excellent bust of Wolverine. That's one of the things that's so awesome about Iron Builder, it pushes already amazing builders to to try new things and think outside the box. It's brutal, but it makes better builders.


Koi pond

One of the most tranquil places to spend any time at all is a well designed koi pond. I highly recommend pulling up a comfortable chair, putting on some relaxing music on your headphones, and just chillin' while you watch the fish. You'll find yourself so amazingly relaxed you may need help getting back to the real world. This pond by cmaddison my not have the lazy swimming and relaxing trickling water, but it has the right aesthetic.

Koi Pond

Ferrari SF15-T

While I don't personally follow F1, but I have some friends that do, and I know that the season opens this weekend. But you don't have to be race fan to appreciate this expertly crafted and beautifully photographed MOC by Nathanael L. The contours and details on this thing are as sculpted and gorgeous as the real car, it just screams speed.

Ferrari SF15-T (1)
Ferrari SF15-T (11)
Ferrari SF15-T (13)

Thanks for the head's up nlay3!

Grief And Joy

This is a powerful MOC by Sheo. Depression and grief affects so many people, including friends and family of mine. I consider myself lucky that I spend the vast majority of time on the far right of this image, but like everyone else I can sometimes find myself somewhere in the middle. Luckily I can maneuver back to the right with little effort, and I like to bring those on the left with me.

Grief and Joy

We're Looking For A Few Good Nerds


Do you like LEGO? Do you spend way too much time browsing Flickr and MOCpages? Do your friends consider you the funny type? Ever been shoved in a locker or blow the grading curve? Would you rather attend SDCC than baseball camp? Know who played Wedge Antilles? Congratulations, you're our kind of nerd!

BrickNerd is looking for contributors. If you think you've got the right stuff gather some writing samples and send an email to

The Lovell House

My favorite architectural style is arts & crafts, but I do appreciate a cool modernist house. These scatter the hills of the more trendy parts of the greater Los Angeles area, a reminder of a burst of growth and the golden age of Hollywood of the 20's through the 40's (and a resurgence in the 60's and 70's). This one is the Lovell “Health” House by architect Richard Neutra, wonderfully recreated by builder Mattias Søndergaard. You may recognize from the movie LA Confidential.

The Lovell House

Pif Paf City

Howdy stranger, you new around these parts? Well, welcome to Pif Paf, I'm the local blacksmith Clement Sturkle. Homesteader huh? Well you're going to like it here. Old Jeb serves up a great skillet up at the bar, and of course there's plenty to drink. And the train comes through here Tuesdays and Fridays, so there's always plenty of goods for trade. Oh and a friendly tip, stay upwind of the cattle, whew! Can I interest you in new shoes for that pinto?

Pif Paf City 2
Pif Paf City 2